
The intractable mess in Jammu and Kashmir
The intractable mess in Jammu and Kashmir
It is impossible to know what is actually happening in Kashmir. Since 4 August, Indian forces have effectively incarcerated the region, with people kept indoors and more than 1600…
Modi vs Wild: Political survivor
Modi vs Wild: Political survivor
One, a rugged survivalist with a penchant for striding through dangerous terrain, accompanied only by a television crew. The other, the man who holds the hearts, minds, and fates…
Narendra Modi’s nudge diplomacy
Narendra Modi’s nudge diplomacy
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech last week from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi to mark India’s Independence Day carefully delineated his new strategic and foreign…
Geopolitical moves in Jammu and Kashmir have a local cost, too
Geopolitical moves in Jammu and Kashmir have a local cost, too
The mixed reaction to the Indian government’s planned dissolution of the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories, which has been approved and will take place on 31…
The bittersweet pill in the Australia-India sugar stoush
The bittersweet pill in the Australia-India sugar stoush
Over the past few months, sugar has featured prominently in India’s political and economic discussion. Countries such as Australia, Brazil and Guatemala are upset with the Indian…
Between deprivation and decadence: the bleak view of India’s future
Between deprivation and decadence: the bleak view of India’s future
Could India be heading towards a dystopian future, with severe environmental decay and massive unemployment leading to social collapse? There are rumblings of such a bleak…
India’s latest crisis: 600 million people struggle with drought
India’s latest crisis: 600 million people struggle with drought
The agonising and often exhausting wait for the monsoon has long inspired India’s writers and poets. But it’s the country’s farmers who know all too well the impact a delayed or…
Lessons of globalisation: the vulnerable women of the Nokia factory
Lessons of globalisation: the vulnerable women of the Nokia factory
Just 40 kilometres southeast of Chennai in the south of India lies Sriperumbudur, a part of the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu. While Kanchipuram is a town, famous for its…
Jokowi and Modi’s budding bromance
Jokowi and Modi’s budding bromance
The re-election of India’s Narendra Modi and Indonesia’s Joko “Jokowi” Widodo saw India-Indonesia relations take another step forward after both leaders congratulated each other…
The bad news for press freedom in India
The bad news for press freedom in India
Press freedom is under the scanner in Australia, as it is around the world. For the first time in decades, Australian journalists have found themselves the subject of police raids…