
Coal comfort: Australia-India ties after the elections
Coal comfort: Australia-India ties after the elections
In an odd quirk of timing, this year Australia and India’s elections will run in parallel. On 11 April, Scott Morrison made the trip to Canberra’s Government House and the…
Australia-India: naval drills show trust, yet political caution still
Australia-India: naval drills show trust, yet political caution still
The largest ever Australian naval fleet arrived in India this week to conduct the biennial AUSINDEX naval exercises with the Indian Navy. The size and shape of this year’s…
Modi’s drive for Brand India
Modi’s drive for Brand India
In 2014, the average Indian voter was restless for change. Regular revelations about corruption scandals, frustrating policy paralysis, incessant price hikes and widespread…
India’s anti-satellite missile test: also a test for the polity
India’s anti-satellite missile test: also a test for the polity
Last month, scientists of India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation carried out an anti-satellite missile test, as a part of the mission codenamed Shakti (Power), and…
Indian elections: cinema as an instrument of propaganda
Indian elections: cinema as an instrument of propaganda
A biopic film about Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to release on 5 April, just days before India starts voting for the general elections on 11 April. The proximity of…
Australia–India ties: closing the gap between intent and action
Australia–India ties: closing the gap between intent and action
From the days of former Australian prime minister Robert Menzies, Australia has desired strong ties with India. “We must learn to think together and to act together,” Menzies…
Rahul Gandhi: a reluctant leader’s bid to topple India’s Modi
Rahul Gandhi: a reluctant leader’s bid to topple India’s Modi
Come 11 April, the first of the nearly 850 million eligible voters will begin to cast their votes in the world’s largest democratic exercise. India’s 17th Lok Sabha (lower house)…
India: never quite in focus
India: never quite in focus
Last month, Financial Times columnist Edward Luce asked, what would it take for India to get America’s attention? His question was rather aptly answered a couple of…
China’s “South Asia challenge” for the Belt and Road Initiative
China’s “South Asia challenge” for the Belt and Road Initiative
South Asia is integral to China’s Belt and Road vision. As an intersection point between the proposed “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, China…
India’s wobbly quest for fighter aircraft
India’s wobbly quest for fighter aircraft
India’s air strikes this week targeting suspected terrorist hideouts in Pakistan and subsequent air battles comes at a time of growing concerns about sharply declining strength of…