
India’s intolerance is hurting the country
India’s intolerance is hurting the country
In January the ugly face of an intolerant India was again on display with protests and violence in several parts of the country against Indian film director Sanjay Leela Bhansali…
Asia’s escalating missile race
Asia’s escalating missile race
If the Cold War was one long arms race, the modern era could be accurately described as an arms jog. Countries are defined less by how many nuclear warheads they have,…
The China factor in India’s commitment to ASEAN
The China factor in India’s commitment to ASEAN
India will host ASEAN leaders as its chief guests during the commemoration of the country's 69th Republic Day on 26 January, reflecting the importance New Delhi places on…
What Rahul Gandhi’s rise means for Indian politics
What Rahul Gandhi’s rise means for Indian politics
Last month's long-awaited ascension of Rahul Gandhi, the scion of India's Nehru–Gandhi political dynasty, to the presidency of the Indian National Congress marks a new era for the…
Babri Masjid – India’s flashpoint
Babri Masjid – India’s flashpoint
On 6 December 1992 thousands of Hindu fanatics tore down a medieval mosque in the temple town of Ayodhya, in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh. The demolition of the 16th…
The crackdown on free press in India
The crackdown on free press in India
In June, India’s former president Pranab Mukherjee drove home the point to the Indian media that ‘discussion and dissension’ is crucial for a vibrant democracy and that public…
Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
With President Donald Trump part-way into his protracted tour of Asia, much of the focus has been on the North Korea threat, his personal relations with Prime Minister Abe of…
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
Recent news that Australia’s Foreign Minister has indicated interest in taking part in a resurrected US-Australia-Japan-India quadrilateral dialogue on the sidelines of the…
Tillerson doubles down on US-India partnership
Tillerson doubles down on US-India partnership
Yesterday US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson delivered his most substantial remarks on India to date, ahead of his first official trip to South Asia. While Tillerson’s influence…
The limits of India-Japan defence cooperation
The limits of India-Japan defence cooperation
The visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to India this September was much talked about in the context of the evolving Asian balance of power. Big ticket ventures including…