
Australia and India: different worlds
Australia and India: different worlds
Peter Varghese’s independent report on Australia’s economic strategy for India, released by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week, sounds a confident note for the…
Why India is buying the world’s emptiest airport
Why India is buying the world’s emptiest airport
This article first appeared on The Interpreter in December 2017. On 5 July this year, the Sri Lankan Minister for Civil Aviation, Nimal Siripala de Silva…
Poor man’s cigarette: India’s unspoken epidemic
Poor man’s cigarette: India’s unspoken epidemic
In one of India’s crowded government hospitals, Thankappan*, a middle-aged man, lies in a vegetative state. His entire body seems frail, and his lips are discoloured…
The “unsinkable” island is no substitute
The “unsinkable” island is no substitute
In a recent Interpreter article (Glug, glug, glug: India’s interest in unsinkable aircraft carriers), David Brewster poses an interesting question: is there a cheaper and less…
India’s Nipah virus outbreak and misleading media
India’s Nipah virus outbreak and misleading media
On 20 May, India’s government notified the World Health Organisation of a confirmed outbreak of Nipah virus in Kozhikode, a district in Kerala, after test samples…
Selective outrage: Priyanka Chopra and the “Quantico” controversy
Selective outrage: Priyanka Chopra and the “Quantico” controversy
It is unusual to apologise for something that did not happen, such as a made-up story. But this is what occurred after “The Blood of Romeo”, a recent episode of the US ABC…
Glug, glug, glug: India’s interest in unsinkable aircraft carriers
Glug, glug, glug: India’s interest in unsinkable aircraft carriers
Former Australian prime minister Paul Keating once recounted describing to an American admiral the sound a US aircraft carrier would make in a major fight: “Glug, glug, glug”…
Kashmir: walking the line
Kashmir: walking the line
Perhaps the biggest casualty of the current state of India–Pakistan relations has been Kashmir, where issues regarding territory, autonomy, and cross-border…
Modi plays by the “rules” at Shangri-La
Modi plays by the “rules” at Shangri-La
Sometimes what politicians don’t say is as important as what they do say. So it was with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi’s keenly anticipated keynote at the Shangri-La…
India: guiltless children in prison
India: guiltless children in prison
More than 1800 children aged between one month and six years old languish in Indian jails, growing up with their imprisoned mothers. The plight of these guiltless…