
How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific
How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific
Although the Pacific and Indian Oceans have traditionally been viewed as separate bodies of water, India and the US increasingly understand them as part of a single contiguous…
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
North Korea's growing nuclear brinkmanship, renewed tensions between India and China along their disputed border and persistent frictions in the South China Sea have all…
Doklam: Paths ahead for India and China
Doklam: Paths ahead for India and China
As the India-China standoff at the Doklam tri-junction area enters its second month, it is clear this is the most serious crisis between the two countries in 30 years. There are…
Vietnam and India: Shared interests in the South China Sea
Vietnam and India: Shared interests in the South China Sea
Vietnam's recent request to India to play a more prominent role in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea did not come as a total surprise. It's not the first time Vietnam has…
Pakistan and Jaish-e-Mohammad: An unholy alliance
Pakistan and Jaish-e-Mohammad: An unholy alliance
The resurgence of the extremist Islamist group Jaish-e-Mohammed in recent years is clear. Less obvious is the nature of - and motivation for - Pakistan's links with the group. …
Modi-Trump meeting: Signs of continued convergence
Modi-Trump meeting: Signs of continued convergence
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inaugural visit to the Trump White House this week was fraught with uncertainty, with recent irritations in the relationship (visas and climate…
A revived Quad won't help Australia
A revived Quad won't help Australia
The resurrection of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), a proposal that would bring Australia into a strategic grouping with India, Japan and the US, has again been floated…
India-Australia relations: Getting over the Quad blues
India-Australia relations: Getting over the Quad blues
Last week the Indian warships INS Kamorta, INS Shivalik and INS Jyoti arrived in Western Australia’s port city of Fremantle to participate in a bilateral exercise. The military…
Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia
Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia
As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Sri Lanka earlier this month, reports emerged that the Sri Lankan government had turned down China's request for a submarine docking…
Why India missed China’s Belt and Road summit
Why India missed China’s Belt and Road summit
China's President Xi Jinping is today hosting what is arguably the biggest celebration of China's rise as a great power since the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The One Belt, One Road…