
Indonesia’s role in multilateral development banks
Indonesia’s role in multilateral development banks
After Jim Yong Kim resigned last month, President Donald Trump indicated he intends to nominate senior US Treasury official David Malpass to lead the World Bank. Under an…
WhatsApp targets fake news in lead-up to Indonesian elections
WhatsApp targets fake news in lead-up to Indonesian elections
In a bid to combat the scourge of misinformation, the popular instant messaging app WhatsApp is now placing a ceiling on the number of recipients to whom users can forward …
Indonesia: releasing Abu Bakar Ba’asyir wrong on all counts
Indonesia: releasing Abu Bakar Ba’asyir wrong on all counts
President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo’s decision to release Abu Bakar Ba’asyir is misguided, legally questionable, and politically inept. It sends the message that if one defies the…
Indonesia has a stake in Australia’s Lombrum plans too
Indonesia has a stake in Australia’s Lombrum plans too
During the November APEC Summit, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the US will work with Australia and Papua New Guinea to develop the Lombrum naval base on Manus Island. …
Israel embassy debacle: can Australia strongarm Indonesia again?
Israel embassy debacle: can Australia strongarm Indonesia again?
When Tony Abbott became prime minister, he immediately went about implementing his policy of “turning back the boats”. This was in the face of warnings that the practice…
Indonesia’s elections: Jokowi-Ma’ruf appeal to middle ground
Indonesia’s elections: Jokowi-Ma’ruf appeal to middle ground
Observers of Indonesian politics would be forgiven for predicting that Indonesia’s presidential election campaign would be highly divisive, based on the Gerindra opposition’s…
Indonesia’s election: Jokowi vs Prabowo
Indonesia’s election: Jokowi vs Prabowo
Indonesia is moving into election mode. There will be sweeping general elections in Indonesia in April next year for the presidency, the national parliament, provincial…
Indonesia: Bela Negara action plan and pandering to the military
Indonesia: Bela Negara action plan and pandering to the military
Between Prabowo Subianto’s promise to “Make Indonesia Great Again” and Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s warning that “winter is coming”, all eyes in Indonesia are transfixed on the upcoming…
Sadly, again, Indonesia fails on transport safety
Sadly, again, Indonesia fails on transport safety
Indonesia just can’t catch a break. Following earthquakes in Lombok in August, and a twin earthquake and tsunami in Palu in Central Sulawesi in October killing thousands, the…
Indonesia: populism and politicisation of Islam
Indonesia: populism and politicisation of Islam
This is the second of two articles examining the politics behind Indonesia’s revised anti-terror law in the wake of the May family suicide bombings. The first article can be found…