
Indonesia’s anti-terror law: crisis to consensus
Indonesia’s anti-terror law: crisis to consensus
This is the first of two articles examining the politics behind Indonesia’s revised anti-terror law in the wake of the May family suicide bombings. The second article is available…
Food for thought: Sulawesi’s “healing kitchens”
Food for thought: Sulawesi’s “healing kitchens”
When international and local media started to feature stories about the heroes of Palu after the Central Sulawesi city was hit by 7.5 magnitude earthquake and…
Sulawesi tsunami: how Australia can best help
Sulawesi tsunami: how Australia can best help
Yet another tsunami in Indonesia. The earthquake and resulting wave of destruction in Palu, Central Sulawesi, is the second major natural disaster to strike the…
Lessons of yet another Indonesian blasphemy case
Lessons of yet another Indonesian blasphemy case
When an ethnic Chinese woman in Medan named Meliana was sentenced on 21 August* to 18 months on blasphemy charges for complaining about the volume of the call to prayer (azan…
The chance to urge religious freedom in Indonesia
The chance to urge religious freedom in Indonesia
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is visiting Indonesia this week on his first international trip as Australia’s leader. The two governments will announce a new trade deal and…
Economic diplomacy: Indonesia, trade deals and TPP
Economic diplomacy: Indonesia, trade deals and TPP
Development lesson Australia can probably thank China’s amorphous Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for helping push over the line the bilateral trade agreement that Prime Minister…
Indonesia: running mates spark controversy
Indonesia: running mates spark controversy
The confirmation by President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo’s of conservative Islamic cleric Ma’ruf Amin as running mate for the April 2019 presidential contest evoked disappointment among…
The dark side of the Asian Games
The dark side of the Asian Games
While some may argue that sport and politics should never mix, many governments have perfected the art of the sport–politics cocktail. It has a name: sports diplomacy.  …
Indonesia: speaking for rights
Indonesia: speaking for rights
Last month, Amnesty International held a major press conference for the release of its first research report on Indonesia since opening a dedicated office in Jakarta. …
Indonesian tourism booms, Australia misses out
Indonesian tourism booms, Australia misses out
It didn’t even make the news in Australia, but two weeks ago India announced it will now allow Indonesian tourists to visit without having to apply or pay for a visa. This…