
Indonesia’s elections and the local result
Indonesia’s elections and the local result
Regional elections took place across Indonesia on 27 June, when local voters went to the polls to elect governors, regents, and mayors. The results offer a fascinating…
When Indonesia sits on the Security Council
When Indonesia sits on the Security Council
Indonesia has successfully won its bid for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council 2019–20, but what is the country likely to achieve? There…
Indonesia’s LGBT crackdown
Indonesia’s LGBT crackdown
Last month, Indonesia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community was buoyed by a decision to remove the phrase “same-sex” from the article on fornication in…
In conversation: Indonesian sectarianism
In conversation: Indonesian sectarianism
What are we to make of the relationship between religion and politics in Indonesia? Is Indonesia becoming more intolerant, or is intolerance becoming a more politically mainstream…
Student politics: Indonesians confront China prejudice
Student politics: Indonesians confront China prejudice
Marsha Harini is an Indonesian student who has lived in China for the past seven years. She graduated from one of the international schools in Shanghai, spent a year learning …
Australia can help Indonesia kick the habit 
Australia can help Indonesia kick the habit 
Australia is an undisputed world leader in tobacco control. From massive wins with plain packaging to widely enforced bans on smoking in public places, it is easy to see why…
Terror suspects’ riot in Jakarta underscores prison problems
Terror suspects’ riot in Jakarta underscores prison problems
The shocking family suicide attacks in Surabaya this month somewhat overshadowed another disturbing event in Indonesia that took place only a few days before. …
Quitting cigarettes in Indonesia
Quitting cigarettes in Indonesia
Nearly two-thirds of Indonesian males smoke. This is said to be the highest rate in the world, and includes the notorious case of the two-year-old with a forty-a-day…
Broad strokes: Indonesian art and 20 years of Reformasi
Broad strokes: Indonesian art and 20 years of Reformasi
This month, Indonesia commemorates 20 years since the fall of strongman Suharto and two decades of the Reformasi era. Today, the strife of 1998 serves as inspiration for the…
Indonesia: a concrete block and a hard case
Indonesia: a concrete block and a hard case
It was an astonishing sight. Nine women dressed in batik sarongs and wearing the traditional, conical hats of Indonesian farmers sat on the edge of the road in front of the…