
New man in Tehran aims for supreme power
New man in Tehran aims for supreme power
Originally published in The Australian.
Narrowing the field in Iran’s election
Narrowing the field in Iran’s election
Iranian presidential elections can throw up some surprises even with the restricted choice of candidates that are normally on offer. But the options this year for the 18 June poll…
Iran-US-Israel: Boxing out of the shadows
Iran-US-Israel: Boxing out of the shadows
Just as the negotiations between Tehran and Washington appear to be making some, albeit slow, progress over the United State rejoining the nuclear deal known as the Joint…
An oil spill nobody owns
An oil spill nobody owns
What does the continuing, low-intensity conflict between Israel and Iran have to do with the mysterious oil spill that has washed ashore along the coast of Israel and southern…
Iran: Could Australia’s hostage diplomacy have been better?
Iran: Could Australia’s hostage diplomacy have been better?
Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert has cast doubt on the Australian government’s strategy in securing her release from Iran last November. In her first post-release public…
Why Indonesia seizing an Iranian tanker is purely over domestic law
Why Indonesia seizing an Iranian tanker is purely over domestic law
The Indonesian coast guard (BAKAMLA) last week seized two oil tankers – one Iranian flagged, the other from Panama – inside Indonesia’s waters. The two tankers are suspected of…
Iran nuclear deal: Revenge of the diplomats
Iran nuclear deal: Revenge of the diplomats
Joe Biden has so many competing priorities to address after four years of Donald Trump that it is hard to know where to start. Biden will naturally have an immediate focus on…
Al-Qaeda: The core problem
Al-Qaeda: The core problem
For year after year, the moustached face Abu Mohammed al-Masri has stared blankly from a photo on an FBI most-wanted poster. A founding senior member of al-Qaeda, al-Masri…
The fallout of assassinating Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
The fallout of assassinating Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
Political assassinations require considerable preparation and planning. It is almost certain the killing last week of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head of the Iranian nuclear program, was…
Iran’s year of reckoning
Iran’s year of reckoning
After sexual assault allegations calling out more than 100 men, including prominent members of Iranian society, first appeared on social media in August, women in Iran are having…