
“Maximum pressure” demands diplomatic off-ramps
“Maximum pressure” demands diplomatic off-ramps
With Donald Trump facing an impeachment trial in the Senate and a tough re-election battle, some US rivals see the president as politically weakened, risk-averse in exerting…
Trump’s unpredictability confounds his allies, and now his enemies
Trump’s unpredictability confounds his allies, and now his enemies
For a region where the security environment was already fragile, Donald Trump’s decision to kill the head of Iran’s Quds Force, along with a senior Iraqi militia leader, has…
Will Trump win big from killing Soleimani?
Will Trump win big from killing Soleimani?
In assessing the consequences of President Donald Trump’s assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, the key is the…
Iran: When maximum pressure collides with indefinite defiance
Iran: When maximum pressure collides with indefinite defiance
From the burning of Iranian diplomatic outposts as part of massive months-long protests in Iraq, to slogans admonishing Iranian interference as part of anti-sectarian…
When price hikes pour fuel on the fire
When price hikes pour fuel on the fire
The word “protest” has become part of the common vocabulary in the last few months, with demonstrations in Hong Kong, the Middle East, India, and across Latin America making…
How the regime extinguishes Iran’s “Petroleum Protests”
How the regime extinguishes Iran’s “Petroleum Protests”
Iran is amid a new round of unrest once again, which has claimed at least 106 lives, according to Amnesty International. It started after the Rouhani government announced a three…
Shifting alliances in the Gulf a boon to China
Shifting alliances in the Gulf a boon to China
In the wake of escalating US-Iran tensions in the Persian Gulf, the geopolitical realities of the Asian region are rapidly changing. New strategic alliances are being formed as…
What Iran’s hardliners stand to gain from the Abqaiq attack
What Iran’s hardliners stand to gain from the Abqaiq attack
The attack on Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq plant – known as the world’s biggest petroleum-processing facility – and Khurais oilfield has resulted in a disruption of 5.7 million barrels a…
Raising the stakes in the Gulf’s game of reprisals
Raising the stakes in the Gulf’s game of reprisals
The weekend’s attack on the Saudi oil facility at Abqaiq is the most dramatic escalation of the Persian Gulf tensions since the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in May…
How the US keeps priority boarding ahead of Iran at the United Nations
How the US keeps priority boarding ahead of Iran at the United Nations
The US decision to impose travel restrictions on Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif when he made a visit to UN headquarters in New York for a 17 July meeting inflamed already…