
Australia sails into muddy waters in the Gulf
Australia sails into muddy waters in the Gulf
Prime Minister Scott Morrison was at pains last week to emphasise the “modest and time-limited” nature of Australia’s contribution to the new US-led maritime security mission in…
Australia in the Gulf: Will we make a difference?
Australia in the Gulf: Will we make a difference?
Australia’s commitment to the US-led coalition to provide maritime security for the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf will be one maritime surveillance aircraft, to start…
Australia in the Gulf: The order-based rules
Australia in the Gulf: The order-based rules
Back in December, Scott Morrison went halfway in following Donald Trump’s change to the diplomatic recognition of Israel, deciding to leave Australia’s embassy in Tel Aviv while…
The reluctant coalition
The reluctant coalition
The Australian government’s announcement today that it will contribute assets to a maritime coalition force in the Persian Gulf comes as no surprise, given the very public way the…
“Security Brexit”: Johnson follows Trump in the Persian Gulf
“Security Brexit”: Johnson follows Trump in the Persian Gulf
In aligning himself with US President Donald Trump with regard to policing the Persian Gulf, new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has abandoned any pretence that his type of…
Iran: Washington calls on Canberra
Iran: Washington calls on Canberra
Washington has asked for Australian support to participate in a coalition maritime Persian Gulf security force. The request was formally announced as part of Sunday’s AUSMIN talks…
The most perplexing question following Iran’s capture of the MV Stena Impero on Friday is why the British were unable to foresee this action as a natural response to Britain’s…
Iran’s dangerous gamble
Iran’s dangerous gamble
Iran has announced that it has exceeded its enriched uranium limit under the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. This follows the…
Iran: Australia’s deliberate ambiguity
Iran: Australia’s deliberate ambiguity
Ambiguity in foreign policy is no bad thing, and on Iran, the only certainty Donald Trump has displayed after a week of heightened tension was his weekend declaration …
The limits of unilateral action against Iran
The limits of unilateral action against Iran
As Washington is finding, maximum pressure campaigns have their own limitations, even with the most coherent and experienced foreign policy teams. But with ​the Commander-in…