Maritime Security

Australia’s 2016 Defence White Paper – Forward funded defence
Journal Articles
Australia’s 2016 Defence White Paper – Forward funded defence
In a commentary for PacNet, Euan Graham discusses Australia's latest Defence White Paper. For more from PacNet, click here.Euan Graham
Much at stake for Turnbull and the region at East Asia Summit
The 10th East Asia Summit this weekend promises to be one of the most interesting bits of summitry in some time. This, the last stop on Malcolm Turnbull’s five-nation tour which…
South China Sea: US Navy mission justified by China's excessive claims
After many months of intense debate inside the Obama Administration, the US conducted a freedom of navigation operation (FONOP) in the South China Sea on 26 October. The destroyer…
US launches FoNOPS in the South China Sea: Better late than never?
So, the much-heralded US freedom of navigation (FoN) operation in the South China Sea has finally seen daylight. The designated lead, the USS Lassen, is a guided missile…
Malabar: Modi Government misses an opportunity as annual exercise slumps
US-India relations are in good shape. The personal relationship between Modi and Obama appears excellent, there are big, ambitious ideas in the pipeline – like US assistance to…
Open-source intelligence links: Soldiers on Instagram, Russian submarines, Chinese drones, Syria and more
Thanks to advances in digital technologies, open-source intelligence (OSINT) is playing an increasingly important role in the mix of intelligence collected by state and non-state…
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
In this Report, Lowy Institute Research Associate Brendan Thomas-Noone and Nonresident Fellow Professor Rory Medcalf examine the implications of sea-based nuclear weapons for…
Despite protests, collective self-defence and Abe remain
There were huge protests over the weekend in Japan against legislation, approved in principle by the Abe cabinet in July, which will reinterpret the Japanese Constitution to…
Hegemon: Wargaming the South China Sea
Hegemon is a wickedly interactive multi-player/multi-round geostrategic game devised by the Potomac Foundation. Each player represents a country, fielding certain economic and…
Dredging fleet shores up Beijing's position in South China Sea and beyond
By Dr Andrew Erickson, Associate Professor at the US Naval War College,  and Research Intern Kevin Bond at the China Maritime Studies Institute, US Naval War College China's…