Maritime Security

Quick comment: Rory Medcalf on Australia's security challenges
This week’s Quick Comment podcast is with the new head of ANU’s National Security College and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow, Professor Rory Medcalf, who last night delivered a…
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
In this Analysis, Alan Dupont argues that successive Australian governments have failed to define an effective national defence strategy. Australia needs a defence strategy that…
The US-India convergence
One of the most important aspects of the recent dramatic shift in US-India relations has been the convergence in the two states' narratives about Asia. It's easy to forget that…
The year India began acting east
The year India began acting east
The year India began acting eastDanielle RajendramIndian Express26 December 2014Please click here for the full online text.Danielle Rajendram
Beijing's South China Sea objective is clear: To extend control
Within China's bureaucratic system, sometimes it is in an agency's interest to compete with others, rather than coordinate, in order to advance its own bureaucratic power and…
Lessons on strategic stability and SSBNs from the Cold War
Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope (Ret.) is a former First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, Royal Navy. This is an extract from a presentation to a Lowy Institute international workshop…
The propaganda war over maritime rights
'China will work with other countries to further promote a harmonious maritime order.' Even after years of studying the maritime tensions on China's periphery, I had to check that…
Jokowi Spells Out Vision for Indonesia’s “Global Maritime Nexus”
Jokowi Spells Out Vision for Indonesia’s “Global Maritime Nexus”
Jokowi Spells Out Vision for Indonesia’s “Global Maritime Nexus” Adelle Neary Southeast Asia from Scott Circle Volume V, Issue 24 Adelle Neary
Regional tensions on display at Fifth Xiangshan Forum
Last week's Fifth Xiangshan Forum in Beijing demonstrated just how difficult it will be to resolve disputes in the South China Sea as long as key parties believe history must…
Managing Maritime Disputes and Tensions in Indo-Pacific Asia
Managing Maritime Disputes and Tensions in Indo-Pacific Asia
Managing Maritime Disputes and Tensions in Indo-Pacific AsiaRory MedcalfRemarks at the Fifth Xiangshan ForumBeijing, 21 November, 2014Rory Medcalf