Maritime Security

The growing militarisation of the South China Sea
It's increasingly clear that China intends to use its artificial islands in the South China Sea for military purposes. Admiral Harry Harris, commander of US Pacific Command,…
Japanese defence normalisation: Progress on three fronts
Over the last two months, there has been noticeable progress on three separate fronts in Japan's 30-year process of 'renormalising' its' approach to external defence: Last week,…
Here be pirates: Why Southeast Asia needs to boost maritime cooperation
Source: IMB data, compiled by Elliot Brennan. On 1 April, a Malaysia-flagged tanker was attacked and hijacked by 15 to 25 armed pirates off the coast of Borneo. The crew was held…
South China Sea: Why Korea is silent, and why that's a good thing
Last month on The Diplomat, Van Jackson made an important argument about South Korea's increasingly notable silence on freedom of navigation in the South China Sea (South China…
The perception gap: reading China's maritime objectives in Indo-Pacific Asia
The perception gap: reading China's maritime objectives in Indo-Pacific Asia
In this Lowy Institute Report Nonresident Fellows Linda Jakobson and Rory Medcalf identify both the real differences in interests between China and other powers in the Indo…
North Korea missile test: Seoul must now focus on sub hunting
North Korea's apparently successful test of a workable submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) was big news over the weekend. Signs that North Korea had been working on…
Maritime security and threats to energy transportation in Southeast Asia
Journal Articles
Maritime security and threats to energy transportation in Southeast Asia
Maritime security and threats to energy transportation in Southeast Asia Euan Graham The RUSI Journal Volume 160, Issue 2, 2015, pp 20-31  Euan Graham
Divining the fluid element: from cooperation to conflict in Japan-China maritime relations
Journal Articles
Divining the fluid element: from cooperation to conflict in Japan-China maritime relations
“Divining the fluid element: from cooperation to conflict in Japan-China maritime relations” first appeared in Security Challenges, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2015), pp 51-73. …
New Defence Guidelines re-brand US-Japan alliance
The US-Japan Defence Cooperation Guidelines are best thought of as an occasional re-branding exercise for the US-Japan alliance in response to changing strategic conditions…
Ashton Carter's Northeast Asia visit looks south
Ashton Carter's inaugural trip to Asia as US Secretary of Defense went about as smoothly as he could have hoped. The logic of visiting Tokyo and Seoul ahead of other capitals in…