
A motion towards justice in Myanmar
A motion towards justice in Myanmar
International law proceedings targeting the alleged genocide of members of the Rohingya group in Myanmar are gathering force. The Republic of The Gambia has submitted an…
Facebook, the Rohingya, and internet blackouts in Myanmar
Facebook, the Rohingya, and internet blackouts in Myanmar
The role of social media, particularly Facebook, in facilitating hate speech and spreading disinformation in countries such as Myanmar has undermined assertions by Facebook CEO…
Can the ICC bring justice to Myanmar?
Can the ICC bring justice to Myanmar?
More than 700,000 men, women, and children, many identifying as Rohingya, crossed the border from Myanmar’s Rakhine State into Bangladesh in 2017, fleeing violence at the hands of…
Myanmar: postage stamps and political signals
Myanmar: postage stamps and political signals
Myanmar’s former military regime often used new issues of the country’s postage stamps to send political signals, not only to its own people but also to the…
Stalemate leaves Rohingya refugees trapped
Stalemate leaves Rohingya refugees trapped
It has been two years since the forced exodus of Rohingya from Myanmar, and for about a million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, there is no sign of returning in the foreseeable…
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
A rare image on social media of Indonesian paratroopers dropping into the troubled West Papua province this month was a stark reminder that, even in the age of 24/7 news,…
With new coastguard, Myanmar looks to improve maritime security
With new coastguard, Myanmar looks to improve maritime security
In March this year, Myanmar’s Defence Ministry submitted a proposal to parliament to establish a national coastguard. Given strong support for the idea from the main political…
In Myanmar, a unity still out of reach
In Myanmar, a unity still out of reach
In January 2018, the Arakan Army, the newest ethnic-based militia in Myanmar, released a video on YouTube and elsewhere of its cadres kitted out in camouflage, armed with modern…
The Rohingyas: the security dimension of a deep humanitarian crisis
The Rohingyas: the security dimension of a deep humanitarian crisis
Bangladesh is now facing a serous dilemma over the future of 1.2 million Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar. Its efforts to contain and isolate them from the mainstream…
Hope, despair and the new normal in Myanmar
Hope, despair and the new normal in Myanmar
Human rights advocates had a rare chance to celebrate on Tuesday as two local Reuters journalists in Myanmar were released from prison. Their situation is viewed by the…