
Elections a sham in Rakhine State
Elections a sham in Rakhine State
People go to the polls on Saturday in Myanmar, or at least some of them do. On 3 November 2018, the Union Election Commission will coordinate by-elections across 13 electorates…
Myanmar: media stranglehold
Myanmar: media stranglehold
In a park in downtown Yangon, a mix of passers-by and snack venders milled about, watching curiously as a pack of reporters jostled amongst themselves for a position. The focus…
The Rohingyas: a new terrorist threat?
The Rohingyas: a new terrorist threat?
This is the final in a series of three articles on the Rohingya crisis, featuring Morten Pederson on the domestic drivers of conflict, and Nicholas Farrelly on the …
The Rohingya are stuck
The Rohingya are stuck
This is the second of a series of three articles on the Rohingya crisis, featuring Morten Pederson on the domestic drivers of conflict, and Andrew Selth on the…
No safe return for Rohingya refugees
No safe return for Rohingya refugees
This is the first of a series of three articles on the Rohingya crisis, with subsequent articles by Nicholas Farrelly and Andrew Selth to discuss the situation in Bangladesh and…
Myanmar’s fourth estate
Myanmar’s fourth estate
The arrest in Myanmar of two Reuters journalists, accused of possessing secret government papers, has put the spotlight on the freedom of the press and the country’s weak justice…
Rohingya: UN takes a cautious step forward in Myanmar
Rohingya: UN takes a cautious step forward in Myanmar
For months, Myanmar has sought a deal with the United Nations, to validate its assertions that is prepared to facilitate the “safe, voluntary, and dignified return” of Rohingya…
Helping the UN help Myanmar
Helping the UN help Myanmar
Last month, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Swiss diplomat Christine Schraner Burgener as his Special Envoy on Myanmar, marking the…
Myanmar: no country for young men
Myanmar: no country for young men
After two years in the job, Myanmar’s President U Htin Kyaw resigned last Wednesday. The 71-year-old has been in poor health for some time. A close confidante of Daw Aung San Suu…
The urgent need for leadership on the Rohingya crisis
The urgent need for leadership on the Rohingya crisis
Jubaida is one of a million refugees in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. When she thinks back six months, her memories of playing marbles with friends rest oddly alongside episodes of…