
Stranger kings: Ancient traditions of Chinese power in northeastern Myanmar
Stranger kings: Ancient traditions of Chinese power in northeastern Myanmar
The world is transfixed by the appalling situation in Myanmar's Rakhine State, itself a story of sojourning populations, commercial networks that go back to ancient times, and the…
A big step back for Myanmar
A big step back for Myanmar
It is always difficult to know exactly what is happening in Myanmar, particularly when eye-witness accounts and reliable reports are dismissed by the Naypyidaw government as …
The twisted politics of terrorism in Myanmar
The twisted politics of terrorism in Myanmar
The major and protracted humanitarian crisis in Myanmar's northern Rakhine State has serious local, regional and global implications. Many have rightly deplored the human rights…
Aung San Suu Kyi: The myth turns to dust
Aung San Suu Kyi: The myth turns to dust
For much of her career, Aung San Suu Kyi has been less a real person than the character in a film script - one with the crudely redemptive arc of a Hollywood blockbuster. The…
'Aung San Suu Kyi makes things worse for Rohingya'
'Aung San Suu Kyi makes things worse for Rohingya'
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald (Photo: Getty Images/Pool) Aaron L Connelly
The Tadmadaw returns to the ‘four cuts’ doctrine
The Tadmadaw returns to the ‘four cuts’ doctrine
In the past week, some 40,000 people from Myanmar's Rakhine State have fled to Bangladesh amid reports of indiscriminate killing and property damage by the Myanmar military. The…
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
North Korea's growing nuclear brinkmanship, renewed tensions between India and China along their disputed border and persistent frictions in the South China Sea have all…
Article 66(d): A menace to Myanmar’s democracy
Article 66(d): A menace to Myanmar’s democracy
The fetters on Myanmar's democracy are many. The 2008 constitution gives the military 25% of seats in parliament; it gives the military control over three of the most powerful…
The three issues impeding Myanmar’s transition
The three issues impeding Myanmar’s transition
More than a year since Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy came to power after a landslide election and six years since the transition began, Myanmar has come a long…
Incident at Three Pagodas Pass
Incident at Three Pagodas Pass
After decades of strained bilateral relations, Australia’s defence ties with Myanmar are gradually being restored. The office of the Defence Attache (DA) in the Australian…