North Korea

Kim and Trump, again: North Korea’s drives the wedge
Kim and Trump, again: North Korea’s drives the wedge
Despite inflated pre-summit expectations that US President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un would sign a deal involving at least some sanctions relief, liaison…
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Following the Trump-Kim summits and a gush of commentary on “presidential diplomacy”, “face-to-face diplomacy”, “summit diplomacy”, and even “Trumpian diplomacy”, we’ve…
Trump is 0–2 in his on-the-fly diplomacy with Kim. Time to stop
Trump is 0–2 in his on-the-fly diplomacy with Kim. Time to stop
There is enormous uncertainty now about the failure of the summit in Hanoi between US President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. There will be a natural…
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Of all the countries on the sidelines of the Hanoi summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, few were watching more intently than China. Chinese financial and trade…
Kim-Trump 2.0: three observations
Kim-Trump 2.0: three observations
Assessing the import and impact of the Trump-Kim summits is a challenge. The visual spectacle of the two “colourful” leaders, both of whom prize the optics almost more than the…
Why North Korea – and Vietnam – can benefit from the Hanoi Summit
Why North Korea – and Vietnam – can benefit from the Hanoi Summit
US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are set to begin two days of talks in Hanoi, Vietnam, in what will be their second meeting within eight months. While…
Trump-Kim summit II: North Korea’s superficial modernisation
Trump-Kim summit II: North Korea’s superficial modernisation
Before the Singapore summit, President Donald Trump took to Twitter with a message:   Our United States team has arrived in North Korea to make arrangements for the…
The legacy of nationalism in Korea
The legacy of nationalism in Korea
South Korea has a national holiday on the first day of March to commemorate the start of the 1919 March First Movement. A century later, the legacy of the movement still resonates…
The Vietnamese venue will shape the second Trump-Kim summit
The Vietnamese venue will shape the second Trump-Kim summit
The news is in. US President Donald Trump will meet North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un for the second time on February 27-28. Instead of Singapore, this time Vietnam will play…
Yes, Hillary could have led the world to war with Kim Jong-un
Yes, Hillary could have led the world to war with Kim Jong-un
Donald Trump threw a meaty hypothetical on the table in the midst of his big set-piece speech to the US congress on the State of the Union. “If I had not been elected president…