North Korea

Koreas, gas pipelines, and Russia’s ties that bind
Koreas, gas pipelines, and Russia’s ties that bind
Just as South Korea is an ally of the US yet doesn’t fully trust President Donald Trump, North Korea deals with Russia but does not completely trust Moscow. Pyongyang…
Pyongyang’s promises
Pyongyang’s promises
Immediately after the Singapore summit on 12 June, US President Donald Trump proclaimed that North Korea no longer posed a nuclear threat, and that the denuclearisation…
Reunification out of reach
Reunification out of reach
The Trump–Kim summit in Singapore was the first step towards persuading North Korea to join the few countries that have relinquished nuclear weapons. It also presents…
It’s all up to Moon now
It’s all up to Moon now
The Trump–Kim summit last week in Singapore was a nothingburger – not good or bad, just nothing new really at all. After months of hype, including grossly inflated talk of CVID …
Should Shinzo Abe happen to meet Kim Jong-un
Should Shinzo Abe happen to meet Kim Jong-un
In recent weeks, Northeast Asia has enjoyed an unprecedented season of summitry. Spurred by a common desire to curb the North Korean nuclear threat, key leaders from the region…
Taking a stand for North Korean rocket engine tests
Taking a stand for North Korean rocket engine tests
While many results from the recent Trump–Kim summit are yet to emerge, we can at least ponder one immediate and tangible outcome. North Korea has announced it is dismantling a…
Trump-Kim summit: China smiles
Trump-Kim summit: China smiles
As analysts and pundits rake through the breadcrumbs dropped after the Trump–Kim summit in Singapore, one thing is for certain: the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”)…
Human rights missing in Trump–Kim summit
Human rights missing in Trump–Kim summit
The 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry into North Korean human rights was a rallying cry for the international community to take immediate action to address the egregious nature…
Trump–Kim summit: negotiating weakness
Trump–Kim summit: negotiating weakness
Among many Asia watchers, there is a clear sense of disappointment with the Trump–Kim summit in Singapore on Tuesday. The deal is light on detail. Donald Trump got less from Kim…
Trump–Kim summit: Moon’s conflicted achievement
Trump–Kim summit: Moon’s conflicted achievement
North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un scored a huge diplomatic victory on Tuesday when he finally got the chance to hold a summit with US President Donald Trump, a feat his…