North Korea

Getting a better outcome from the second Trump-Kim summit
Getting a better outcome from the second Trump-Kim summit
If press reports are accurate, US President Donald Trump and North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un will again meet this month. They met for the first time last June in Singapore…
A blast from North Korean past
A blast from North Korean past
Appealing to South Korea with proposals of peaceful unification, while at the same time demonising foreigners occupying the Korean Peninsula, is one of the oldest pages in…
North Korea’s “selective détente”
North Korea’s “selective détente”
Almost two weeks have passed since Kim Jong-un delivered his 2019 New Year Address. He informed the world of his intention to capitalise on his diplomatic victories to…
Best of The Interpreter 2018: Talking with Kim Jong-un
Best of The Interpreter 2018: Talking with Kim Jong-un
How to capture a year of extraordinary diplomacy on the Korean peninsula, that started out with bragging about the size of a nuclear button to a cozy photo-op with the US…
Moon’s Eurasia: opening up North Korea, serving Seoul’s interests
Moon’s Eurasia: opening up North Korea, serving Seoul’s interests
Bringing sustainable peace to the Korean Peninsula. Improving South Korea’s long-term economic prospects. Helping Seoul to shape regional geopolitics. South Korean President Moon…
Why denuclearisation is less important for South Korea
Why denuclearisation is less important for South Korea
One of the most commented upon elements of this year’s outreach effort toward North Korea is the possible drift in the US-South Korean alliance. It has been widely noted that the…
North Korea’s emerging blackmail strategy
North Korea’s emerging blackmail strategy
A recent New York Times article has drawn much criticism from the US intelligence community for depicting North Korea’s continued missile development as “a Great Deception.” …
Is the second Trump-Kim summit necessary?
Is the second Trump-Kim summit necessary?
The third summit between the leaders of North and South Korea last month was a huge accomplishment for Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un. At home, Moon’s approval rating shot up from 49…
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
When a gang robs a bank, it’s a crime. When a nation launches an attack on another state’s territory, it’s an act of war. But what is it when a nation state robs another state’s…
Fawning and flummery winning over love-sick Donald
Fawning and flummery winning over love-sick Donald
In the last six months, US President Donald Trump has “fallen in love” with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. He has also been persuaded that Kim respects him, likely because he…