Nuclear Weapons

Damage limitation and US nuclear strategy
Damage limitation and US nuclear strategy
Almost four years ago, I argued in The Interpreter that Vladimir Putin’s decision to pursue a range of weapons specifically designed to defeat America’s Ballistic Missile Defence …
Crisis stability as a priority in US-China relations
Crisis stability as a priority in US-China relations
Prospects for US-China arms control run hot and cold. China continues to vociferously oppose the recent Australia-UK-US agreement to cooperate on Australia’s acquisition of…
It’s time to talk about existential risk
It’s time to talk about existential risk
Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi was having lunch with his colleagues in 1950 when he asked a now famous question: where is everybody? He was referring to the apparent…
An arms control stocktake
An arms control stocktake
Nuclear politics and nuclear policy shifts get plenty of coverage – atomic-powered submarines for Australia, China’s missile silo fields, North Korea’s enrichment activities in…
North Korea’s calculated restraint
North Korea’s calculated restraint
September is an important month for South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in to make a last ditch attempt to revive relations with a recalcitrant North Korea before the presidential…
Japan’s nuclear identity and the complicated endgame
Japan’s nuclear identity and the complicated endgame
Book Review: Akimoto Daisuke, Japan’s Nuclear Identity and its Implications for Nuclear Abolition (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) It has been rare in recent years for the…
China’s new silos: Nuclear arms control more urgent than ever
China’s new silos: Nuclear arms control more urgent than ever
Over the last few weeks, evidence has emerged that China may be expanding its arsenal of nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) on a much larger scale than…
Scottish independence and the implications for British defence
Scottish independence and the implications for British defence
For the better part of a decade, the United Kingdom has witnessed a deteriorating security environment, whether from a more aggressive Russia, a retreating United States or the…
A “No-First-Use” doctrine would undermine American nuclear deterrence
A “No-First-Use” doctrine would undermine American nuclear deterrence
Given the widespread relief accompanying Joe Biden’s transition to the White House, it seems churlish to start picking apart his policy agenda. Yet, there are grounds for concern…
Iran nuclear deal: Revenge of the diplomats
Iran nuclear deal: Revenge of the diplomats
Joe Biden has so many competing priorities to address after four years of Donald Trump that it is hard to know where to start. Biden will naturally have an immediate focus on…