Nuclear Weapons

North Korea’s uranium and prospects of a stealthier bomb
North Korea’s uranium and prospects of a stealthier bomb
Verifying North Korea’s nuclear stockpile will be a critical part of any future disarmament negotiations. As past experience with other nations demonstrates, it is also a tricky…
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Of all the countries on the sidelines of the Hanoi summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, few were watching more intently than China. Chinese financial and trade…
Why denuclearisation is less important for South Korea
Why denuclearisation is less important for South Korea
One of the most commented upon elements of this year’s outreach effort toward North Korea is the possible drift in the US-South Korean alliance. It has been widely noted that the…
It’s time to fill Asia’s arms control void
It’s time to fill Asia’s arms control void
Asia urgently needs new diplomatic initiatives aimed at reducing nuclear dangers and preventing arms racing in the region. There’s a glaring gap between the ambitious disarmament…
The nuclear weapons ban treaty, one year on
The nuclear weapons ban treaty, one year on
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (the ban treaty) was opened for signature on 20 September 2017. The treaty will enter into force when ratified by 50 countries –…
Turkey must be thinking of the Bomb
Turkey must be thinking of the Bomb
Actors not invested in the Western liberal order are enjoying a period of resurgence. While analysts chase meaning in US President Donald Trump’s many erratic policies, there are…
Asia’s escalating missile race
Asia’s escalating missile race
If the Cold War was one long arms race, the modern era could be accurately described as an arms jog. Countries are defined less by how many nuclear warheads they have,…
Why Australia should consider sharing nuclear weapons
Why Australia should consider sharing nuclear weapons
The future looks ominous. There are grim warnings that Australia's strategic situation has worsened dramatically, with major power conflict increasingly likely. Some commentators…
The UN nuclear ban treaty is historic on five counts
The UN nuclear ban treaty is historic on five counts
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate weapons of war and therefore the ultimate weapons to prevent and avoid war. This two-axis struggle is captured in competing treaties for setting…
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for: Its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian…