Nuclear Weapons

The implications of a North Korean open-air nuclear test
The implications of a North Korean open-air nuclear test
As Donald Trump’s threats against North Korea have accelerated this year, the North has responded with its characteristically over-the-top rhetoric. Recently, it threatened to…
Why South Korea and Japan should not go nuclear
Why South Korea and Japan should not go nuclear
By David Vallance, an intern in the Lowy Institute's International Security Program, and Euan Graham, Director of the International Security Program. The road to nuclear…
North Korea: How to start a nuclear war without even trying
North Korea: How to start a nuclear war without even trying
If effective strategy requires realistic aims, then America is in trouble. US officials have shown themselves to be pathologically overconfident in their ability to achieve…
Don’t discount the chances of a new Korean war
Don’t discount the chances of a new Korean war
Robert Kelly all but discounts the possibility of conflict on the Korean Peninsula. While this is plainly wrong, he is right on other points, namely the emotional differences…
North Korea: Trump’s terrible binary choice
North Korea: Trump’s terrible binary choice
It is critical that we understand what North Korea’s test of a thermonuclear device means. North Korea claims that the weapon is miniaturised to fit onto a Hwasong­–14…
The unacceptable dangers of accepting a nuclear North Korea
The unacceptable dangers of accepting a nuclear North Korea
The crisis on the Korean Peninsula has for the first time introduced an element of confusion over the strategic goal pursued by the US and its allies in dealing with North Korea. …
The nuclear weapon ban treaty is significant but flawed
The nuclear weapon ban treaty is significant but flawed
On 7 July 2017 a UN negotiating conference adopted a draft treaty banning nuclear weapons – specifically, their development, production, possession, stationing and deployment, use…
Getting past the awful logic of nuclear weapons
Getting past the awful logic of nuclear weapons
In August last year I wrote on why Australia should support negotiations on a nuclear weapon ban. Subsequently the UN General Assembly voted by a three-to-one majority to convene…
What's behind Russia's missile treaty violation?
What's behind Russia's missile treaty violation?
Earlier this week the New York Times broke a story that Russia is fielding new cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). This…
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Brendan Thomas-Noone argues that advances in technology are making tactical nuclear weapons more precise and potentially more usable. He argues…