Papua New Guinea

Deciding the future for PNG’s provinces
Deciding the future for PNG’s provinces
It’s been quite a week for Papua New Guinea’s national government and the evolving relationships it will have with the country’s provinces in the future. Last Friday, PNG’s Prime…
Facing ghosts of the past in Bougainville
Facing ghosts of the past in Bougainville
There is disquiet among many for how post-conflict Bougainville society will evolve over the next generation if impunity reigns for the wartime horrors. Over the next few months,…
Australia-PNG: relationships are what matter
Australia-PNG: relationships are what matter
Papua New Guineans tell each other with pride and excitement that the eyes of the world will be upon them 40 days from now, when they host the APEC Leaders Meeting in Port…
PNG: new friend versus old, APEC and polio 
PNG: new friend versus old, APEC and polio 
The condemnation of China last week by Nauru’s President Baron Waqa at the Pacific Island Forum leaders’ meeting may have been bolstered by Taiwan’s substantial investment in that…
Prime Ministerial persistence: Australia vs PNG
Prime Ministerial persistence: Australia vs PNG
Remember when Australia used to refer to its near neighbours in the region as the “arc of instability”? The leadership shenanigans on Tuesday will have given the BBC’s former…
The new battle for Bougainville’s Panguna mine
The new battle for Bougainville’s Panguna mine
Speculation about the future of the Panguna copper mine in Papua New Guinea’s autonomous region of Bougainville, which ignited a decade long civil war in the 1990s, peaked late…
Polio in PNG: a menace resurfaces
Polio in PNG: a menace resurfaces
The news of pulse polio resurfacing in Papua New Guinea has created new challenges for a public healthcare system already confronting many related health problems. Polio virus is…
Speech by the Hon. Charles Abel, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer of Papua New Guinea
Speech by the Hon. Charles Abel, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer of Papua New Guinea
The Hon. Charles Abel, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer of Papua New Guinea, delivered this address at the Lowy Institute, Sydney, on Monday 18 June 2018.
What a partial internet shutdown would mean for PNG
What a partial internet shutdown would mean for PNG
Debate arose in Papua New Guinea last week over comments made by Communications Minister Sam Basil about the possible imposition of a month-long ban on Facebook…
What PNG hopes to win from hosting APEC
What PNG hopes to win from hosting APEC
It is not clear when the big-man politics in Papua New Guinea’s foreign policy began. It was likely during the prime ministership of Sir Michael Somare, in the early 2000s, when…