Papua New Guinea

Cultural heritage key to regional development in PNG and Australia
Cultural heritage key to regional development in PNG and Australia
Regional museums and arts centres in Australia and Papua New Guinea are, in general, underfunded or insecurely funded. Yet these places offer significant opportunities for…
Bougainville referendum: Not the last word
Bougainville referendum: Not the last word
For two weeks from this Saturday, Bougainvilleans will exercise their right to say whether their autonomous archipelago on the eastern edge of Papua New Guinea should become an…
PNG’s supplementary budget: An honest accounting
PNG’s supplementary budget: An honest accounting
PNG’s supplementary budget passed the parliament last month (October) and represented Prime Minister James Marape’s first tangible policy stance after forming government in May…
Papua New Guinea’s untold media freedom challenge
Papua New Guinea’s untold media freedom challenge
This article is based on the podcast series “Developing” featuring interviews with PNG journalists, industry leaders, and politicians. Papua New Guinea has gained a…
PNG’s confusing budget debate
PNG’s confusing budget debate
Papua New Guinea is in the grips of a confusing debate about the state of the 2019 national budget, including the Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey, Shadow Treasurer Joseph Lelang, and…
Bougainville’s predicament, independence or not
Bougainville’s predicament, independence or not
The referendum to take Bougainville a step closer to full independence finally looks set to start on 23 November, after the issuing of the writs late last month. Voters will have…
PNG: Has education policy reform worked?
PNG: Has education policy reform worked?
Papua New Guinea continues to reform its education sector. In recent years, the spotlight has been on teaching quality. Research by the World Bank indicates that teacher…
Quiet and unquiet graves: letter from Port Moresby
Quiet and unquiet graves: letter from Port Moresby
“Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them”. I remembered this line of George Eliot as I rattled around Port Moresby in a bus these last few days searching for…
The changing dynamics of Australia, PNG and the Pacific
The changing dynamics of Australia, PNG and the Pacific
Prime Minister Scott Morrison showed he was serious about the Pacific “step up” when he ensured that his first overseas visit was to the Solomon islands and the first foreign…
Bougainville: A nation in waiting?
Bougainville: A nation in waiting?
On 23 November this year, Bougainvilleans will vote in a referendum to decide whether they wish to stay part of Papua New Guinea or become an independent nation. It is perhaps…