Papua New Guinea

PNG: Coronavirus promises a testing time for Marape
PNG: Coronavirus promises a testing time for Marape
It’s been a volatile week for the PNG Hunters. The Papua New Guinea rugby league team was celebrating on Sunday after staging a late comeback to clinch a 32-30 win against the…
Papua New Guinea: Journey to Ambullua
Papua New Guinea: Journey to Ambullua
Ambullua is a remote community located in upper Jimi District, Jiwaka Province, in the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea. The population of approximately 7000 is almost…
Playing to strengths: The best use of Australian aid in the Pacific
Playing to strengths: The best use of Australian aid in the Pacific
A review is underway into Australian aid policy, with consultations run across the country, and the public, scholars, and aid groups alike offering submissions ­– some of which…
2019 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
2019 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue Outcomes Report
The Lowy Institute hosted the seventh Australia–Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue on 5 and 6 November 2019 in Wewak, Papua New Guinea.
Bougainville: Ringing in the change?
Bougainville: Ringing in the change?
Bougainville’s president John Momis has long been a towering figure in local politics. President for two consecutive terms since 2010, he was a leading instigator of the…
PNG: Booting Exxon gives Marape a boost – for now
PNG: Booting Exxon gives Marape a boost – for now
The recent announcement of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Government to cease all negotiations with one of the United States’ largest oil and gas companies, Exxon Mobil, over the P…
The Bougainville referendum: Celebrations turn to sadness and hope
The Bougainville referendum: Celebrations turn to sadness and hope
In a referendum to decide on a future political relationship with Papua New Guinea, a 97.7% majority of Bougainvillean voters have chosen independence. The referendum voting…
Favourites of 2019: Wewak
Favourites of 2019: Wewak
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. Or in this case, a destination… As…
The celebratory Bougainville referendum – stories from Siwai
The celebratory Bougainville referendum – stories from Siwai
Piled into the back of an overcrowded ute – appropriately named the “Highway Slave”, although formally known as a Public Motor Vehicle – we made the nine-hour expedition across…
An upbeat mood in Buka as Bougainville waits for a result
An upbeat mood in Buka as Bougainville waits for a result
“Joyous” and “excited” aren’t the first adjectives I normally reach for to describe Buka town, but they are the ones that best encompass the mood here these referendum days. Buka…