Papua New Guinea

PNG: Australia's foreign policy priorities should be closer to home
In The Embarrassed Colonialist Sean Dorney speaks bluntly about Australia’s relationship with its former colony. In that very Australian way, one might say he has called a…
PNG is changing and we need to keep up
Sean Dorney is right when he says that Australians should take a stronger interest in Papua New Guinea. Sean is a consistent advocate of this cause. He is one of the leaders of a…
Australia's ignorance about Papua New Guinea is a loss for both nations
Australia's ignorance about Papua New Guinea is a loss for both nations
Read the extract at The Guardian here. See more details about The Embarrassed Colonialist here. Sean Dorney
Lingering questions for PNG's 2016 budget: APEC and public debt
The 2016 Budget was one of emergency for Papua New Guinea. Adjusting to a 20% collapse in revenue caused by plummeting commodity prices and an economic slow-down, the government…
PNG's 2016 emergency budget: the good, the bad and the unknown
Last week the PNG government released  its budget for 2016, taking extreme measures to move expenditure back in line with dramatically reduced revenue. The good news is this…
PNG: O'Neill Government safe for now, but still mired in corruption allegations
Papua New Guinean Prime Minister Peter O'Neill comprehensively headed off a motion of no confidence in parliament yesterday over corruption allegations. O'Neill's assertion that…
Ringing in change: How mobile phones could aid drought response in PNG
By Dr Amanda Watson and Dan Jorgensen. Amanda is a research consultant with the Australian Government's PNG Economic and Public Sector Program, managed by Coffey. Dan is a social…
PNG's budget in urgent need of repair
Part 1 of this series on the PNG economy looked at the double dilemma of an overvalued currency and falling foreign reserves. This second and final part examines the urgent need…
PNG's economic bind: Overvalued exchange rates and declining foreign reserves
Papua New Guinea is on track to have the highest rate of GDP growth in the world this year. So why is it struggling to pay its bills and restricting foreign exchange access? This…
Could PNG teach Australia a thing or two about political stability?
Australian officials used to fret about the so-called 'arc of instability' of Melanesian nations in our neighbourhood, with particular concern about regular votes of no confidence…