Papua New Guinea

Australia's PNG solution: The seeds of sectarianism?
As part of the 'Sectarianism and Religiously Motivated Violence' Masters course run by the Lowy Institute's Rodger Shanahan at ANU's National Security College, students are asked…
For Australians, is PNG a partner or an obligation?
Papua New Guinea will commemorate 40 years of independence from Australia this year. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is using the anniversary to promote the changing nature…
Australia-PNG diplomatic spat needs swift resolution
Papua New Guinea has reacted to Australia's recent decision to establish a diplomatic post in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville by banning Australian travel to the province…
Papua New Guinea in 2015: at a crossroads and beyond
Papua New Guinea in 2015: at a crossroads and beyond
2015 is a significant year for Papua New Guinea.  The country will mark 40 years of independence from Australia, host the Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ meeting and the…
Quick comment: Alex Rheeney on PNG politics
In August, Papua New Guinea's Peter O'Neill will mark three years in office as prime minister. The Australian's Rowan Callick recently described him as 'a remarkable figure' and …
PNG Prime Minister speaks up on West Papua
    Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill did something remarkable last Thursday. In a wide-ranging policy speech at a leadership summit in Port Moresby,…
Violence against women in PNG: How men are getting away with murder
Violence against women in PNG: How men are getting away with murder
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Jo Chandler presents a devastating picture of the endemic violence against women in Papua New Guinea. She highlights the courageous efforts of PNG…
2013 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes report
2013 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes report
The Lowy Institute hosted the inaugural Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue on 26 November 2013. The Dialogue was convened with the support of the Department of…