Papua New Guinea

The future is female in PNG
The future is female in PNG
It seems fitting that the progressive political party that helped Papua New Guinea to independence 46 years ago, and has been the ruling party for the past two years, should have…
As Delta looms, PNG’s vaccine rollout challenges mount
As Delta looms, PNG’s vaccine rollout challenges mount
As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds, more than 130,000 vaccines donated by the global facility COVAX doses have expired in Papua New Guinea. PNG is Australia’s largest aid recipient…
Keeping PNG connected by investing in radio
Keeping PNG connected by investing in radio
News that Australia’s Telstra could be a buyer of the Pacific Island region’s prominent mobile network and media player Digicel has put communications technology in the spotlight…
Bridging Papua New Guinea’s information divide
Policy Briefs
Bridging Papua New Guinea’s information divide
In the lead-up to the 2022 national election, Papua New Guinea must address its information gap by investing in the public broadcaster.
How many times? Reckoning with gender-based violence in PNG
How many times? Reckoning with gender-based violence in PNG
A little more than a year ago, 19-year-old Jenelyn Kennedy’s bruised and battered body was found outside the Port Moresby General Hospital’s emergency room. Kennedy’s alleged…
Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds
Bougainville independence: Pressure for PNG agreement builds
The second constitutionally mandated post-referendum consultations between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville leaders about independence for Bougainville are being planned for late…
PNG: What to expect in the 2022 elections?
PNG: What to expect in the 2022 elections?
Papua New Guinea will conduct its tenth national election in 2022. A by-election held this week for the Port Moresby North West (MNW) electorate provides a preview of what to…
Samoa’s constitutional crisis and the dangers that have gone before
Samoa’s constitutional crisis and the dangers that have gone before
The April election in Samoa has set off a constitutional crisis that finds two rival leaders in a deadlock over the prime minister’s office and threatens the foundations of the…
PNG can’t turn a blind eye to the conflict next door
PNG can’t turn a blind eye to the conflict next door
A video recently surfaced on social media in Papua New Guinea, featuring a group of about 20 men, gathered around their apparent leader, declaring war on Indonesia. “People of…
Power politics lies behind how new countries are born – or not
Power politics lies behind how new countries are born – or not
Book review: Gëzim Visoka, John Doyle and Edward Newman (eds) Routledge Handbook of State Recognition (Routledge 2019) At the school hall in Buka, in that heady hour after the…