Papua New Guinea

Accountability is the path to better governance in PNG
Accountability is the path to better governance in PNG
When we look at progress in decentralisation in Papua New Guinea over the last 20 years – the sole continuous and overriding policy priority of successive governments – many…
Why not try? What a Papua New Guinean team could bring to the NRL
Why not try? What a Papua New Guinean team could bring to the NRL
At present, Port Moresby’s sports fields are silent. The Covid-19 pandemic has temporarily halted what would ordinarily be a gathering in the Papua New Guinea capital of deafening…
Coronavirus: PNG is on the precipice and it needs an urgent intervention
Coronavirus: PNG is on the precipice and it needs an urgent intervention
Originally published in The Australian.
When will PNG establish a National Human Rights Commission?
When will PNG establish a National Human Rights Commission?
Corruption is one of the biggest challenges in Papua New Guinea, according to Transparency International PNG. In 2020, the government successfully established the Independent…
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact globally, with more than 114 million cases and 2.5 million deaths. With 1365 cases and 14 deaths, Papua New Guinea has fared better…
Farewell, Grand Chief
Farewell, Grand Chief
Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare led Papua New Guinea to independence, became the first prime minister of the newly sovereign nation, and served as head of government for 17 of its…
PNG: Mistaking massacres for tradition
PNG: Mistaking massacres for tradition
Each week, it seems we hear about new cases of violent killings linked to tribal warfare in Hela Province, in the heart of Papua New Guinea. Reports emerged last week of 19 dead,…
Frenemies forever? PNG’s prime minister sees off a challenge
Frenemies forever? PNG’s prime minister sees off a challenge
  So was this serious? Or have the past month’s political events been a cunningly disguised economic rescue package for Papua New Guinea’s resort and restaurant…
PNG and the politics of the death penalty
PNG and the politics of the death penalty
Another season of turmoil has swept politics in Papua New Guinea. The Supreme Court has ruled the recent budget sitting to be unlawful, ordering the parliament to resume on Monday…
Avoiding a Pacific Lost Decade: Financing the Pacific's COVID-19 Recovery
Policy Briefs
Avoiding a Pacific Lost Decade: Financing the Pacific's COVID-19 Recovery
The Pacific's post-pandemic economic revival will rely on an international multi-year recovery package of grants and loans led by Australia