
Syria: the disgraceful stain left by the UN Security Council veto
Syria: the disgraceful stain left by the UN Security Council veto
Last week in the United Nations Security Council, Russia and China blocked a resolution that would have demanded an end to fighting in the Syrian province of Idlib, the final…
Kremlinology: What does Russia want? Rules Based Audio podcast out now
Kremlinology: What does Russia want? Rules Based Audio podcast out now
Episode 9 of the Lowy Institute’s new podcast, Rules Based Audio, is out today. In Kremlinology: What does Russia want? the dissident Russian journalist and academic…
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
Once more with feeling: Russia and the Asia-Pacific
How Moscow is rebooting the ‘turn to the East’ as part of its global strategy
The trouble in the air on a tense Tuesday in Northeast Asia
The trouble in the air on a tense Tuesday in Northeast Asia
Last Tuesday (23 July) was a bad day in Northeast Asia, not just for what happened but what it foreshadows. Tensions are rising. After all, it’s not every day that a South Korean…
Chernobyl: the continuing political consequences of a nuclear accident
Chernobyl: the continuing political consequences of a nuclear accident
The recent mini-series on the Chernobyl nuclear accident is a reminder that after 33 years the consequences of the accident are still very much with us. The costs to public health…
Accountability for flight MH17: a long and winding road …
Accountability for flight MH17: a long and winding road …
On 17 July 2014, Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, and 298 people were killed. The majority of the fatalities were Dutch citizens, followed by those of…
What a new Russian ambassador might mean for relations with Australia
What a new Russian ambassador might mean for relations with Australia
Lost amid the recent federal election, a new Russian ambassador to Australia was appointed. On 20 May, Dr Alexey Pavlovsky presented his diplomatic credentials to Governor-General…
The Sino-Russian relationship is being misunderstood
The Sino-Russian relationship is being misunderstood
Too often, the past is mistaken as a guide for the future, rather than as lesson from which to avoid making the same mistakes. Take the relationship between China and Russia as an…
Breaking Russia’s space stranglehold
Breaking Russia’s space stranglehold
The test launch of a SpaceX astronaut capsule to the International Space Station (without astronauts aboard) is cause for celebration. It marks the debut of the first crew…
Russian arms flood Southeast Asia
Russian arms flood Southeast Asia
Russia’s “hard” power is generally well-understood. President Vladimir Putin has ensured this is the case, particularly through his proclivity to showcase Russian strength in…