
Russia’s Vostok-2018: a rehearsal for global war?
Russia’s Vostok-2018: a rehearsal for global war?
What are we to make of Russia’s Vostok (East)-2018 exercise? From 11–15 September Russia’s Far East will host Vostok-2018 the largest Russian military exercise since Zapad (West)…
Why a US–Russia team–up against China is unlikely
Why a US–Russia team–up against China is unlikely
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last month, one might wonder if the US and Russia are considering the formation of, if not an explicit…
Is Russia’s military better than America’s?
Is Russia’s military better than America’s?
The US will devote $700 billion to its budget for 2018, dwarfing Russia’s $66 billion effort, a trend that has been consistent for more than 25 years. Yet…
POTUS does a Putin
POTUS does a Putin
On 8 November 2016 a combination of the American constitution and vox populi – with perhaps a little help from elsewhere – placed enough power in the hands of a roué…
Russia’s disinformation game in Southeast Asia
Russia’s disinformation game in Southeast Asia
In December, two Russian strategic bombers made an unusual flight to the Indonesian airbase on Biak in the province of Papua, where they conducted an air alert drill. Across the…
Trump-Putin: beyond election meddling
Trump-Putin: beyond election meddling
The Helsinki Summit, as it was dubbed, saw US President Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin come together with a formal agenda to discuss US-Russia relations,…
Koreas, gas pipelines, and Russia’s ties that bind
Koreas, gas pipelines, and Russia’s ties that bind
Just as South Korea is an ally of the US yet doesn’t fully trust President Donald Trump, North Korea deals with Russia but does not completely trust Moscow. Pyongyang…
High anxiety: Donald Trump’s summits
High anxiety: Donald Trump’s summits
US President Donald Trump evidently expects his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin to be the easiest of his upcoming high-level meetings. If so, he has brought that…
Novichok poisoning and the test for Britain
Novichok poisoning and the test for Britain
When England struck their winning penalty against Colombia at the end of a tense night of football on Tuesday, old assumptions crumbled. Had the team exorcised its fear of shoot…
The sports make-over
The sports make-over
Before a ball had even been kicked at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, star Egyptian striker Mohamed Salah was courted for a photo-op with Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan…