
Russian gas will not stop China’s air pollution
Russian gas will not stop China’s air pollution
As Beijing clamps down on air pollution, it is seeking to replace coal power plants with cleaner natural gas, especially for heating during winter. Consequently, China has…
The distant fate of Russia’s Far East
The distant fate of Russia’s Far East
Ten years ago, Vladivostok was the scene of street marches and demonstrations. The area known as the Russian Far East had experienced a long economic slump after the collapse of…
Violence, confusion, and conspiracy theories in the Kerch Strait
Violence, confusion, and conspiracy theories in the Kerch Strait
Last week, a diplomatic, security, and military storm began brewing between the Ukraine and Russia near the Sea of Azov. On 25 November, two Ukrainian armed patrol boats and a…
Russia-Ukraine: soggy response to Kerch aggression
Russia-Ukraine: soggy response to Kerch aggression
With its doctrine of scrupulous media balance – “they said, he said, we don’t know” – Western reporting on the latest phase in Russia’s relentless imperialist aggression against…
Trump scores a win over Russia
Trump scores a win over Russia
Typically, Vladimir Putin answered Washington’s decision this month to leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by making new nuclear threats against Europe. His…
India’s Arctic energy partnership with Russia
India’s Arctic energy partnership with Russia
When people discuss Indo-Russian relations, they generally focus on Russia’s arms sales to India. However, India’s energy relations with Moscow also possess considerable and,…
Beware of fighter pilots bearing gifts
Beware of fighter pilots bearing gifts
In late September, an interesting news story populated some portions of the internet. A person purporting to be a (possibly retired) Russian fighter pilot flying one of Moscow’s…
The crowded skies of Syria
The crowded skies of Syria
The downing of a Russian Il-20 aircraft off the Syrian coast this week with the death of 15 personnel is another reminder of the cost to Moscow of its pro-regime military…
Going legit? The foreign policy of Vladimir Putin
Going legit? The foreign policy of Vladimir Putin
Putin’s foreign policy will remain grounded in long-standing assumptions about Russia, the West, and international order.
The Sino-Russian entente
The Sino-Russian entente
Russia’s Vostok-18 exercises have received significant attention, thanks mainly to the Kremlin’s grand announcements about their scale. If Russia’s defence ministry…