Sex and Gender

Wong’s century: A closer look at gender mix in Australia’s top diplomatic roles
Wong’s century: A closer look at gender mix in Australia’s top diplomatic roles
Penny Wong will score a century soon – the next person she appoints to be an Australian ambassador, high commissioner or consul-general will be the 100th since she became…
Gender equality, the Pacific way
Gender equality, the Pacific way
In the Pacific, gender equality is a key policy concern for international donors and Pacific governments and civil society organisations. But decades of investment in gender…
Bring women to the table to talk ocean sustainability
Bring women to the table to talk ocean sustainability
Oceans are essential to global food supplies. And collectively, the G20 nations constitute 45 per cent of the world’s coastlines and 21 per cent of its exclusive economic zones…
Targeting girls education: Pakistan’s tribal areas suffer under Taliban influence 
Targeting girls education: Pakistan’s tribal areas suffer under Taliban influence 
The long, rugged border running along Pakistan’s northwestern tribal areas that separates Afghanistan provides no barrier to the influence of the Taliban and its radical policies…
60 years of Kartini Day: Indonesia’s feminist pioneer or political pawn?
60 years of Kartini Day: Indonesia’s feminist pioneer or political pawn?
On Sunday 21 April, millions of women and girls across Indonesia celebrated Hari Kartini (Kartini Day), the commemoration of the birth of 19th century Javanese noblewoman, Raden…
In the Olympics of Drag, Taiwan just took the gold
In the Olympics of Drag, Taiwan just took the gold
For Taiwan, which often finds its international participation constrained – barred from a World Health Organization membership and competing under the “Chinese Taipei” flag at the…
Afghan women: The silent victims of Taliban brutality
Afghan women: The silent victims of Taliban brutality
The Taliban’s Supreme Leader Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada has vowed to start stoning women to death in public. On 23 March, in a voice message aired on a Taliban-controlled…
Supporting Pacific women to tell the region’s stories
Supporting Pacific women to tell the region’s stories
Rosi Tamani-Doviverata is co-founder of Women in Media Fiji, President of the Fijian Media Association, and Acting Publisher/CEO at the Fiji Sun. Kathy McLeish is inaugural co…
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, as the adage goes. And in terms of measuring gender equality and women’s empowerment, considerable barriers exist. While significant…
State of play for Pacific women in 2024
State of play for Pacific women in 2024
As 2024 rang in, an historical vote was taking place in the Pacific. Hilda Heine, former president of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) and first ever female head of state in…