Sex and Gender

Female genital mutilation is still a risk – especially in a pandemic
Female genital mutilation is still a risk – especially in a pandemic
One of the many consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic is that other critical heath issues have fallen off the agenda in Australia and globally – including female genital…
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences…
Private sector progress in women’s leadership in the Pacific
Private sector progress in women’s leadership in the Pacific
The UN theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” – a celebration of global progress towards women’s equal…
Advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Australia
Advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Australia
The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda is a global framework for the protection of women’s rights in conflict-affected settings, which encourages women’s participation in…
Women, peace and security are not only wartime issues
Women, peace and security are not only wartime issues
Many women fight wars every single day within their homes. This is not the violence of wars that features on the nightly news, but something far more insidious – a hidden conflict…
The G20’s existential crisis
The G20’s existential crisis
2020 could be defined as a year of global crises – health, political, environmental and economic. The G20 is caught among all four, and how the forum responds raises questions…
Iran’s year of reckoning
Iran’s year of reckoning
After sexual assault allegations calling out more than 100 men, including prominent members of Iranian society, first appeared on social media in August, women in Iran are having…
 A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
Twenty years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1325, a landmark to formally recognised the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls…
Can Covid-19 advance gender equality in China’s health policies?
Can Covid-19 advance gender equality in China’s health policies?
The Chinese government has officially encouraged women to have equal roles in social, economic and political life. Still, traditional culture and practice continue to subject…