Sex and Gender

India’s inconsistent adherence to the Women, Peace and Security agenda
India’s inconsistent adherence to the Women, Peace and Security agenda
The coup in Myanmar, a Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all occurring in the last 18 months, have each underscored that women bear a…
Where are the women? The challenge facing the next PNG parliament
Where are the women? The challenge facing the next PNG parliament
Papua New Guinea is about to issue the writs for its national elections to formally start a campaign that will culminate with two weeks of voting from 9–22 July. Historically,…
Solomon Islands-China security pact: A feminist foreign policy answer
Solomon Islands-China security pact: A feminist foreign policy answer
Solomon Islands has signed a security pact with China and set off a flurry of foreign policy chatter in Australia and the region. Understandably, the focus of the discussion is on…
Southeast Asia: Gender parity is not gender equality
Southeast Asia: Gender parity is not gender equality
The Philippines has made considerable strides in wage equality between men and women in recent years. So too in the areas of female participation in politics and female…
Young feminist leadership is the future of peacebuilding
Young feminist leadership is the future of peacebuilding
In 2000, the establishment of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda by the United Nations Security Council created formal institutional space for the recognition and…
Sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping: Connecting the dots
Sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping: Connecting the dots
A few years ago, I was in Bosnia researching the nature and impacts of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers and other interveners in Bosnia during the peace operations in…
Solomon Islands deployment: Australia must meet obligations to women
Solomon Islands deployment: Australia must meet obligations to women
Amid the disturbing images of mass protests, looting and arson in Honiara last week, local journalist Georgina Kekea shared footage on Twitter of the central market in Honiara…
Australia and LGBTQI rights
Australia and LGBTQI rights
Less than a month into his term, US President Joe Biden issued a Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI)…
What to do after the Taliban take-over
What to do after the Taliban take-over
I am not an emotionally detached observer of Afghanistan. The country was once my second home, and I still have friends and colleagues there. Frankly, I am gutted – it is hard to…
How many times? Reckoning with gender-based violence in PNG
How many times? Reckoning with gender-based violence in PNG
A little more than a year ago, 19-year-old Jenelyn Kennedy’s bruised and battered body was found outside the Port Moresby General Hospital’s emergency room. Kennedy’s alleged…