South China Sea

Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
With President Donald Trump part-way into his protracted tour of Asia, much of the focus has been on the North Korea threat, his personal relations with Prime Minister Abe of…
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
Recent news that Australia’s Foreign Minister has indicated interest in taking part in a resurrected US-Australia-Japan-India quadrilateral dialogue on the sidelines of the…
What the US would need to deter China
What the US would need to deter China
I am reassured to see from Ely Ratner's most recent post in our exchange on US-China relations and the South China Sea how much he and I agree about, because I have such a high…
South China Sea: Beijing raises the temperature again
South China Sea: Beijing raises the temperature again
Something significant is happening in the South China Sea. Philippine media has reported that, over the past week, a flotilla of Chinese fishing vessels, accompanied by PLA Navy…
South China Sea patrols: Does the Trump team get it?
South China Sea patrols: Does the Trump team get it?
On 10 August, a US Navy warship challenged China’s implied claim to a territorial sea around Mischief Reef in the South China Sea. By lingering for six hours within 12 nautical…
Making sense of the known unknowns in the South China Sea
Making sense of the known unknowns in the South China Sea
I'd like to thank Hugh White for his continued thoughtfulness and collegiality in our ongoing exchange on the South China Sea. I thought it might be interesting to pivot from…
Can Boris Johnson deliver on his colossal naval expectations?
Can Boris Johnson deliver on his colossal naval expectations?
Boris Johnson’s ebullient pronouncements last week on a future Royal Navy freedom of navigation 'operation' in the Indo-Pacific region have attracted attention, but also criticism…
 Let’s be clear: China would call America’s bluff in the South China Sea
Let’s be clear: China would call America’s bluff in the South China Sea
It seems to be widely agreed that Washington’s current policy of well-worn talking points and low-key FONOPS in the South China Sea [SCS] isn’t working. Ely Ratner and I have been…
Indonesia’s new North Natuna Sea: What’s in a name?
Indonesia’s new North Natuna Sea: What’s in a name?
On Friday, Indonesian officials announced that they had renamed the waters northeast of the Natuna Islands, at the far southern end of the South China Sea, the 'North Natuna Sea'…
Vietnam and India: Shared interests in the South China Sea
Vietnam and India: Shared interests in the South China Sea
Vietnam's recent request to India to play a more prominent role in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea did not come as a total surprise. It's not the first time Vietnam has…