South China Sea

The false choice of war or accommodation in the South China Sea
The false choice of war or accommodation in the South China Sea
I appreciate Hugh White taking the time to critique my essay in the current edition of Foreign Affairs, which recommends a course correction in US strategy to deter and, if…
US manoeuvres in the South China Sea are not provocative
US manoeuvres in the South China Sea are not provocative
Originally published in the Financial Times Aaron L Connelly
Australia needs to show some force
Australia needs to show some force
Last week key treaty allies South Korea and Japan joined the US Navy's 7th Fleet for separate joint exercises in the waters west of Japan in a demonstration of force against…
Indonesia must lead for sake of its interests in South China Sea
Indonesia must lead for sake of its interests in South China Sea
Originally published in the Jakarta Post. Aaron L Connelly
Beware of provocation in the South China Sea
Beware of provocation in the South China Sea
American Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson has provoked controversy with statements about possible actions by the United States in the South China Sea. In testimony at a…
South China Sea: Tillerson throws a rhetorical bomb
South China Sea: Tillerson throws a rhetorical bomb
US Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson has made some potentially explosive remarks about the South China Sea at his Congressional confirmation hearing: In comments expected…
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
Journal Articles
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
In this National Asian Security Studies Program Issue Brief (published by UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy), Euan Graham examines Australia's approach to…
Indonesia in the South China Sea: Going it alone
Indonesia in the South China Sea: Going it alone
While Indonesia under Jokowi can be expected to continue to take unilateral action to reinforce the Indonesian position around the Natuna Islands, Jokowi has not played an active…
Dominoes in the South China Sea
Dominoes in the South China Sea
First the Philippines, now Malaysia is being drawn deeper into China's orbit. Are dominoes teetering again in Southeast Asia? The limitations of that metaphor were clear in the…
Law of the sea: Activist judges open a pandora's box
Law of the sea: Activist judges open a pandora's box
The recent judgement by the Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the nature of the features in the South China…