South China Sea

South China Sea: What Labor should (not) do
South China Sea: What Labor should (not) do
Fissures have erupted within the Australian Labor Party over whether Australia should join the US in conducting freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs) in the South China Sea…
Australia's FONOP debate: A necessary storm in a teacup
This is a disconcerting period for all those hoping to see more pushback against China's bid for supremacy in the South China Sea, and its pressure tactics towards that end. The…
Russia over a South China Sea barrel
Russia and China have just kicked off a joint naval exercise in the South China Sea, Joint Sea 2016. It is scheduled to last until 19 September, including a visit by the Russian…
ASEAN Summit: South China Sea dispute the uncredited star
Despite boasting some of the world's biggest names on its guest list, the star at this year's ASEAN Summit was not a world leader but the Philippines' victory at the Hague in its…
Did Saudi Arabia just side with China on the South China Sea?
'His highness criticised the actions of the United States in the South China Sea, describing such measures as being in conflict with Chinese and Saudi interests.' This was the…
Floating nuclear plants and safety zones: Another looming problem in the South China Sea?
China’s first floating nuclear power plant is expected to be operational by 2019, and will likely be deployed to the South China Sea to support China’s outposts and oil drilling…
The Hague Tribunal's South China Sea ruling: empty provocation or slow-burning influence?
The Hague Tribunal's South China Sea ruling: empty provocation or slow-burning influence?
Last month’s ruling by a tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) on the dispute brought by the Philippines against China has earned its place in maritime legal…
Digital Asia links: ISIS in Indonesia, South China Sea hacks, WeChat in Africa and more
The Asia Pacific is the most dynamic digital landscape in the world, home to the fastest adopters of new technologies and the largest concentration of mobile and social media…
The Philippines considers the price of victory in South China Sea
Significant moments in history never follow the path of least resistance. They are often memorable at least partly because they were won at great cost. Such is the case for the…
We must not be bullied out of South China Sea
We must not be bullied out of South China Sea
Originally published in The Australian.Euan Graham