Southeast Asia

Economic diplomacy: Budgeting for deglobalisation
Economic diplomacy: Budgeting for deglobalisation
Moving onThere has been quite a movement in Australia in recent times towards better coordination of the three main arms of international relations policy – defence, development…
Why India’s Global South ambitions must turn to Southeast Asia
Why India’s Global South ambitions must turn to Southeast Asia
India was ranked ninth out of the most relevant dialogue partners for ASEAN in the latest edition of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute State of Southeast Asia survey report,…
Australia’s comparative advantage in climate transition
Australia’s comparative advantage in climate transition
Australia’s $2 billion Southeast Asia Investment Financing Facility (SEAIFF) is a catch-all response to diverse objectives. It was a “deliverable” – or at least an “announcable” –…
Invisible victims: How counter-trafficking efforts leave people with disability behind
Invisible victims: How counter-trafficking efforts leave people with disability behind
Dao (not her real name) came to Thailand from Laos when she was 17. With her hearing impairment, she had struggled to find work in Laos. Dao’s aunt told her that she could find…
Australia’s Southeast Asia trade stumbling block
Australia’s Southeast Asia trade stumbling block
Australia recently announced the creation of a $2 billion Southeast Asian Financing Facility to increase trade and investment in the region. While this is a good start, to get the…
Mind the gap: China’s megaproject promises fall short of reality in Southeast Asia
Mind the gap: China’s megaproject promises fall short of reality in Southeast Asia
In Bangkok in 2010, Chinese and Thai authorities were discussing a dream: the possibility of working together on a high-speed rail project, which would be Southeast Asia’s first…
A multilateral bank for the Indo-Pacific?
A multilateral bank for the Indo-Pacific?
Governments around the world are facing complex intersecting challenges: how to achieve supply chain diversification and resilience while simultaneously pursuing more ambitious…
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
Gender equality financing: Spotlight on Southeast Asia
You can’t manage what you can’t measure, as the adage goes. And in terms of measuring gender equality and women’s empowerment, considerable barriers exist. While significant…
The parts within the whole: Understanding Southeast Asia’s economies
The parts within the whole: Understanding Southeast Asia’s economies
Southeast Asia is home to almost 700 million people and collectively amounts to the fifth-largest economy in the world. Over the past two years, it has grown between 4-5 per cent,…
Israel-Hamas: A globalised conflict
Israel-Hamas: A globalised conflict
The atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October 2023 and the war in Gaza that followed caught much of the world off guard. Most governments appeared surprised both by the…