Southeast Asia

Conversations: The South China Sea - Has the United States lost to China?
Conversations: The South China Sea - Has the United States lost to China?
Susannah Patton talks to Greg Poling, Director of the Southeast Asia Program and Director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and…
ASEAN and pandemic recovery: Economy before strategic rivalry
ASEAN and pandemic recovery: Economy before strategic rivalry
The sweeping consequences of Covid-19 have carried a devastating cost right across the world, but especially for less-developed countries that began the crisis at a disadvantage…
New directions in Australia-Southeast Asia relations
New directions in Australia-Southeast Asia relations
Australia’s new Labor government has committed to refocusing attention on Southeast Asia, in response to what it argues was a record of neglect under the Coalition government…
Stemming the tide of piracy in Southeast Asia
Stemming the tide of piracy in Southeast Asia
In April, the International Chamber of Commerce published a new report on piracy and armed robbery against ships. Among 37 incidents recorded worldwide in the first three months…
Mapping Southeast Asian development assistance
Mapping Southeast Asian development assistance
Over the past two years, the global pandemic has had staggering economic and social impacts in Southeast Asia, pushing millions into extreme poverty. As economies slowly emerge…
Not all maritime disputes are built the same
Not all maritime disputes are built the same
Maritime disputes in Southeast Asia should be viewed less as a single big basket of problems, and more as smaller individual problems with their own corresponding solutions. There…
Thinking outside the box on Southeast Asian maritime security
Thinking outside the box on Southeast Asian maritime security
The Southeast Asian maritime domain continues to be fraught. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about an observable increase in transnational crimes such as smuggling – at first,…
Cause and effect: The right security architecture for the Indo-Pacific
Cause and effect: The right security architecture for the Indo-Pacific
The Indo-Pacific maritime security order consists of international treaties, multilateral diplomatic forums and, increasingly, minilateral security initiatives. The first two are…
Asia’s Covid waste dilemma
Asia’s Covid waste dilemma
For the last couple of years, virtually every news feed or broadcast has included images of mask-clad people or health workers suited up as protection from Covid-19. While…
Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Written evidence by Ben Bland, Director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Lowy Institute, was submitted to the United Kingdom Parliament's Foreign Affairs…