Southeast Asia

Go big or go home: Australia should invest at scale in Southeast Asia’s energy transition
Go big or go home: Australia should invest at scale in Southeast Asia’s energy transition
Australia is looking to lift its engagement with Southeast Asia. Australia’s Special Envoy to ASEAN, Nicholas Moore, last year set out a new economic strategy to deliver on that…
How to stop any repeat of the Australia-China sonar incident
How to stop any repeat of the Australia-China sonar incident
Soviet warships regularly sparred with Western navies during the Cold War years, conducting close-in ship-to-ship manoeuvres and pointing lasers against their foreign opponents at…
Southeast Asia's minerals: Opportunity knocks
Southeast Asia's minerals: Opportunity knocks
Minerals produced in Southeast Asia play an important role in global supply and local manufacturing and infrastructure. The region is a large-scale producer of minerals required…
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
In Myanmar’s westernmost state of Rakhine, the small fishing village of Kyaukphyu has become the focus of a US$7.3 billion deep-water port development by Chinese state-owned…
Australian development cooperation: Urgent and important, but “not a priority”
Australian development cooperation: Urgent and important, but “not a priority”
Foreign Minister Penny Wong is not one for hyperbole, so when she states that the “coming decade will be decisive for peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific”, in her…
Managing power conflict spillover in Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Managing power conflict spillover in Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Originally published in The Jakarta Post, 6 November 2023.
Not only the dragon: Understanding Southeast Asia’s complex security landscape
Not only the dragon: Understanding Southeast Asia’s complex security landscape
It is a cliché to identify China as Southeast Asia’s primary security concern. But it is understandable given the media’s focus on the overlapping maritime claims and tensions in…
Owning the Indo-Pacific term: Time for a new ASEAN strategic narrative
Owning the Indo-Pacific term: Time for a new ASEAN strategic narrative
Over just a few years, the term “Indo-Pacific” has evolved from a mere geographical descriptor into a geopolitical rallying point. Coined by Japan and championed by the United…
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
The job ads always sound too good to be true. Open and well-paid positions at a popular casino. Lodgings, benefits and other perks provided. But it all ends up quite the…
Great expectations: Australia’s elusive Southeast Asia vision
Great expectations: Australia’s elusive Southeast Asia vision
Nicholas Moore’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy, a new government-commissioned report on Australia’s economic prospects in the region, is a detailed and comprehensive compendium…