
Michael Keenan on the evolving terrorist threat in Australia
Michael Keenan on the evolving terrorist threat in Australia
On 26 October, Justice Minister the Hon Michael Keenan MP addressed the Lowy Institute on the evolving terrorist threat to Australia. Mr Keenan’s role within the government…
Softly softly: Should restrained response to Oregon siege inform other extremist battles?
The US spotlight on the militiamen who took over government buildings in Oregon’s remote Malheur wildlife refuge earlier this month has faded significantly. Despite what critics…
The island fortress: How Australia's geography influences the likelihood of Paris-like attacks
As the world slowly absorbs the full implications of the terrorist attacks in Paris, thoughts inevitably turn to whether events will be repeated elsewhere. That ISIS or ISIS…
Radicalisation woes still here
Radicalisation woes still here
Radicalisation woes still hereRodger ShanahanThe Canberra Times27 October 2015Rodger Shanahan
In the PR war, don’t mention the R-word
In the PR war, don’t mention the R-word
In the PR war, don’t mention the R-wordRodger ShanahanThe Australian10 October 2015Rodger Shanahan
Open-source intelligence links: Soldiers on Instagram, Russian submarines, Chinese drones, Syria and more
Thanks to advances in digital technologies, open-source intelligence (OSINT) is playing an increasingly important role in the mix of intelligence collected by state and non-state…
Syria: It's what isn't being said that's of interest
The Government's announcement yesterday that it would conduct air strikes inside Syria is notable more for what it didn't say than what it did. It was long on rhetoric, but short…
The US needs to take the fight in Syria more seriously and Australian involvement will help
Very few people would have been surprised at the Australian Government's announcement that the RAAF will extend its operations to ISIS targets in Syria. The announcement was made…
The Australian Government needs to go back to basics on ISIS and radicalisation
For many people around the world, ISIS represents a new terrorist phenomenon. The truth is, however, that militant groups like ISIS are not new, and nor are their bloody tactics…
Greste, the West and 'the republic of darkness'
Over the weekend an Egypt court found Al-Jazeera journalists Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed guilty on charges of operating in Egypt without a press licence and of …