
Xinjiang: outrage is not a policy
Xinjiang: outrage is not a policy
If the outrage about China’s forced re-education camps serves to do anything, it will be to again demonstrate that we have very short memories. Worse than being simply misguided,…
Managing the release of convicted terrorists
Managing the release of convicted terrorists
It has been nearly two decades since the Council of Australian Governments agreed to a national framework to combat terrorism. Now, in the long shadow of the September 11 attacks,…
Surabaya and the ISIS family
Surabaya and the ISIS family
Indonesia has again exploded in a paroxysm of terrorist violence, but with a new twist: family suicide bombers. This may be the first time in the world that parents took…
Indonesia: countering a message of hate
Indonesia: countering a message of hate
After the Bali bombings of 2002, security forces within the Government of Indonesia, like their Western counterparts, worked towards incorporating “ideological” or “soft”…
Sifting evil intent from charities doing good
Sifting evil intent from charities doing good
The nexus between charitable aid and terrorism is a delicate and often difficult subject to discuss, let alone research. Some troubling relationships do exist, but the number of…
The resurgence of Al-Qaeda
The resurgence of Al-Qaeda
Nearly seven years after the killing of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda is numerically larger and present in more countries than at any other time in its history. Indeed, the…
Countering youth radicalisation in Indonesia
Countering youth radicalisation in Indonesia
A group of ten Muslim students gathered in the shady courtyard of central Jakarta’s Roman Catholic Cathedral are reluctant to pass through its neo-Gothic doorways. Some…
Why neighbourhood policing is critical to preventing terrorism
Why neighbourhood policing is critical to preventing terrorism
Relationships built over time between police officers and the communities they serve are essential for countering the so-called homegrown terrorism many nations now face. …
Still room to improve on Australia-UK counter-terrorism collaboration
Still room to improve on Australia-UK counter-terrorism collaboration
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Marawi battle has implications for Australians
Marawi battle has implications for Australians
Recent terrorism-related developments in the Philippines could lead to an increased security threat to Australians in parts of Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia…