
Marawi battle has implications for Australians
Marawi battle has implications for Australians
Recent terrorism-related developments in the Philippines could lead to an increased security threat to Australians in parts of Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia…
Islamic State is changing the face of terrorism
Islamic State is changing the face of terrorism
If thwarted terrorist plots are anything to go by, then Australia surely does live up to its reputation as the lucky country. In the past month there were two narrowly missed…
Recognising women’s roles in countering violent extremism
Recognising women’s roles in countering violent extremism
Acts of violent extremism, such as the attacks in Barcelona earlier this month, are becoming a routine feature of the global security landscape. Such threats require little in the…
Some lessons from the foiled Sydney terror plot
Some lessons from the foiled Sydney terror plot
We don’t yet know all the details, but from what we do know there are both disturbing and perplexing elements to the Islamic State-supported terrorist plot to blow up an airliner…
The de-radicalisation helpline: A new approach with old results
The de-radicalisation helpline: A new approach with old results
The NSW government's recently launched de-radicalisation helpline is unlikely to deliver on its aims of diverting young people from violent extremism before law…
Finding the right balance: Terrorism financing offences, charitable donations and aid
Finding the right balance: Terrorism financing offences, charitable donations and aid
As the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Iraq worsens, Australians are likely to donate to charities operating in the region. Some of those who give - and some of those they give…
Islamist terrorism: The true measure of the threat
Islamist terrorism: The true measure of the threat
How seriously should we take the threat of terrorism? It is nigh on impossible to gain consensus on this issue. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has declared Islamist terrorism a…
Egypt’s Copts: Caught between the Egyptian State and IS
Egypt’s Copts: Caught between the Egyptian State and IS
What should have been a joyous Easter week has turned to tragedy in Egypt. Two suicide bombings targeting St Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria (where the Coptic pope was praying just…
A ‘caliphate’ unlikely, but Bishop still right to focus on southern Philippines
A ‘caliphate’ unlikely, but Bishop still right to focus on southern Philippines
Even if the likelihood of a 'caliphate' emerging on Australia's doorstep is low, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is right to focus attention on the southern…
London attack: Tragic and widely predicted
London attack: Tragic and widely predicted
Yesterday’s tragic attack in London was both predictable and widely predicted. Since August 2014, the UK terror threat level has been 'severe', meaning that an attack is highly…