
Terrorism at home: The law cannot save us
I picked up my tickets for tomorrow's AFL Grand Final the other day. My team, the Sydney Swans, is playing and I should be excited to be going. Instead, I have been infected by…
The long war in Iraq: A quarter-century and counting
By Professor Tim Dunne and Dr Emily Tannock, both at the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland Those selling the war against ISIS are…
Conviction and vigour in Obama's IS speech
There were relatively few plot twists for a prime time television spectacle but you have to hand it to the leading man: he hasn't put in such a convincing performance in a long…
America's anti-IS coalition: Core, non-core and unmentionable
The complexity of the task facing the Obama Administration in putting together a coalition to target radical Islamists in Iraq should not be underestimated. There are so many…
Al Qaeda's new Indian subcontinent branch: What it means for Myanmar
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri's statement on Wednesday that he wants to expand operations to Myanmar and the Indian subcontinent will likely result in a new wave of violence…
Australian jihadists: Is revoking citizenship the answer?
One of the policy solutions being considered by the Australian Government to deal with the expected problem of returning Australian jihadists is to preclude their return to…
France's counter-terrorism role in Africa: No more Afghanistans
As reported in the international media since mid-July, Operation Barkhane is  essentially a French anti-terrorist combat force of 3000 men, permanently stationed in the African…
Russia's MH17 response: How to mismanage a crisis
For Western audiences, Moscow's initial prickly attitude to the downing of MH17 can be read as an example of how not to manage a crisis. Even with the weak hand he inherited,…
Home-grown jihadists: An innovative solution
Over the past three years, large numbers of Australians have chosen to leave the freedom, opportunity and safety of our community to enter the abyss of sectarian war and violence…
Why the US (and Australia) should not go back to Iraq
Anthony Bubalo's Why the US (and Australia) Should Go Back to Iraq deserves your attention. In the most direct sense, it is a call for renewed diplomatic and political engagement…