
Southern Thailand: From Conflict to Negotiations?
Southern Thailand: From Conflict to Negotiations?
In this Analysis, University of Leeds professor Duncan McCargo argues that the recent Malaysian-backed Southern Thai peace initiative has now run into some serious problems. He…
The new jihadists
The new jihadists
The new jihadistsAnthony BubaloThe Saturday Paper12 April 2014Anthony Bubalo
The rise of jihadism in Syria and Egypt
Launched last week, Anthony Bubalo's Next –gen Jihad in the Middle East has attracted much media attention for its argument that current conditions in the Middle East are worse…
Egypt, Sisi and the next generation of jihadists
At the end of last week, Egyptian military chief Field Marshall Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced that he would be resigning his military post to run for this year's presidential…
Next-gen jihad in the Middle East
Next-gen jihad in the Middle East
In this Analysis Lowy Institute Research Director, Anthony Bubalo, argues that the current turmoil in the Middle East is incubating a new generation of jihadists. In many respects…
Hawks must admit they got Iraq wrong
Hawks must admit they got Iraq wrong
Dr Michael Fullilove calls for pundits who cheered on Australia's invasion of Iraq to admit their grievous error.  Michael Fullilove
Pakistan: Why war with the Taliban is now the only option
Monday's terrorist attack on a court complex in the heart of Islamabad came as a profound shock, given that this is a highly fortified city where bombings simply do not happen…
UNSC resolution 2133 launches new phase in campaign against terrorist kidnap-for-ransom
Paul Madden is the British High Commissioner to Australia. Australia and Britain been working together to ensure the UN Security Council responds effectively to the serious…
Three notes on the State of the Union
1. The importance of Asia to America Robert Kelly's outstanding contribution on the absence of Asia from Obama's State of the Union speech deserves a brief addendum. Here's a…
Confronting ghosts: Thailand’s shapeless southern insurgency
Lowy Institute Papers
Confronting ghosts: Thailand’s shapeless southern insurgency
In this Lowy Institute Paper, Joseph Chinyong Liow and Don Pathan examine the ongoing violence in the majority Muslim Malay provinces of Thailand’s south.Don Pathan , Joseph…