
A Yazidi genocide trial commences – a Hezbollah ban contemplated
A Yazidi genocide trial commences – a Hezbollah ban contemplated
Remarkably, for all the international attention on the plight of the Yazidi back in 2014 as Islamic State ravaged Iraq, it has taken until now, six years later, to bring the first…
To act, or not? Al-Shabaab’s response to a Covid-19 crisis in Somalia
To act, or not? Al-Shabaab’s response to a Covid-19 crisis in Somalia
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, regional security agencies have flagged the potential for a new wave of violent extremism to emerge within Somalia. World Health Organisation…
With US Afghan exit, Russia eyes Central Asian security
With US Afghan exit, Russia eyes Central Asian security
Three months have passed since the United States and the Taliban signed an “Agreement for bringing peace to Afghanistan”. For the Americans, it aims to put an end to the US…
Thailand: Killings of insurgents ends southern separatist ceasefire
Thailand: Killings of insurgents ends southern separatist ceasefire
Insurgents have resumed attacks in Thailand’s south after Thai security forces killed three rebels during a ceasefire declared unilaterally by the main separatist group, the…
ISIS looks to prosper in a world distracted by the virus
ISIS looks to prosper in a world distracted by the virus
The coronavirus pandemic has hit the heart of Europe. The severity of the virus has forced policymakers to shift their priorities almost exclusively to the home front. As a result…
Counterterrorism: A woman’s game
Counterterrorism: A woman’s game
It’s often said you can’t be what you can’t see. Whether or not that’s true (hello … what about the pioneers in their field?), shining a light on the role of women in male…
Typology of Terror Interactive
Typology of Terror Interactive
This project documents the characteristics of Australians’ contribution to global jihad in the Islamic State era. The dataset represents the largest open-source examination of…
Terrorism: The recidivist risk
Terrorism: The recidivist risk
The London Bridge attack by a knife-wielding terrorist who was attending a rehabilitation program and who had been released with monitoring provisions has again raised serious…
Typology of Terror — The Backgrounds of Australian Jihadis
Typology of Terror — The Backgrounds of Australian Jihadis
In order to better understand what motivates Australian radical islamists to join or support a terrorist group it is first necessary to get a better understanding of who they are…
The uncertain fate of Islamic State in Pakistan
The uncertain fate of Islamic State in Pakistan
On 26 October, the infamous caliph of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, who rose to prominence in 2014 when he announced the creation of the caliphate of Islamic State in Iraq…