
The vulnerable state of Islamic State
The vulnerable state of Islamic State
News broke last night that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – self-styled caliph of the Islamic State, murderer, rapist, and the man responsible for the trauma, displacement, and destruction…
Trump’s troop withdrawal and what’s next for Islamic State
Trump’s troop withdrawal and what’s next for Islamic State
Sceptical of US interests in the Middle East, averse to military deployments and non-committal to the value of alliances, US President Donald Trump has repeatedly said he will…
The Wiranto attack and the ISIS impact
The Wiranto attack and the ISIS impact
The stabbing attack last Thursday by an ISIS supporter on Wiranto, Indonesia’s top security minister, was a shock for several reasons. Attacks on senior officials in Indonesia are…
The women of ISIS and the fog of law
The women of ISIS and the fog of law
The difficulties of establishing a coherent policy towards women and children detained as members of the Islamic State or their dependents presents a longstanding challenge…
Book review: Common enemies
Book review: Common enemies
Book review: Common enemies: crime, policy and politics in Australia–Indonesia relations, by Michael McKenzie (Oxford University Press, 2018) Next month marks the 17th…
After the attack: Supporting victims of terrorism in Indonesia
After the attack: Supporting victims of terrorism in Indonesia
Terrorist attacks inevitably generate frenetic global media coverage, with pundits examining motives, ascertaining network links, and theorising new developments or political…
The curious case of Hamza bin Laden’s death
The curious case of Hamza bin Laden’s death
This week at least two US officials have anonymously confirmed to US news outlets that Hamza bin Laden, the son of former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, was killed in a targeted…
Indigenous roots of the “first” Filipino suicide bombing
Indigenous roots of the “first” Filipino suicide bombing
On 28 June, two suicide bombers carried out an attack in the Philippines, targeting the headquarters of 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) in Indanan, Sulu. Days later, one of the…
The changing face of violent extremism
The changing face of violent extremism
The Easter bombings in Sri Lanka killed 258 people, including two Australians among 46 foreign nationals, and injured 500 more. Its perpetrators according to Sri Lankan State…
‪ISIS: women’s work?
‪ISIS: women’s work?
Should domestic labour be valued the same as work outside the home? What is the contribution of a stay at home wife and mother? How can we evaluate emotional labour when it often…