The Trump Presidency

Don’t waste time trying to get Trump to Manila
Don’t waste time trying to get Trump to Manila
Over the last two months, Australian and Southeast Asian officials have been urging their US counterparts to ensure President Donald Trump shows up at two major summits in…
Dear foreign policy elite: You’re obsolete
Dear foreign policy elite: You’re obsolete
Rex Tillerson recently completed his first trip to Beijing as Secretary of State. Since then, a slew of critics have panned Tillerson for supposedly handing China a ‘diplomatic…
The Merkel-Trump meeting: NATO, jobs and trade
The Merkel-Trump meeting: NATO, jobs and trade
Few world leaders embody the virtues of patience as completely as Angela Merkel. Fewer still demand them as much as Donald Trump. So when the two met face-to-face for the first…
India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
There's a momentum towards greater cooperation among India, Japan, and Australia, writes James Curran in CFR's Asia Unbound blog on 9 March. Photo: Flickr/Us State Department…
The strategic nous of H R McMaster
The strategic nous of H R McMaster
Given the extraordinary events that continue to take place in the United States, it is salutary to note that the appointment of General H R McMaster as President Doanld Trump's…
The Trump trade agenda
The Trump trade agenda
Trade and migration were the two big economic issues in Donald Trump’s electioneering. As president, he has moved swiftly on migration but has done very little on trade so far…
Letters from a more dignified America (Part 2)
Letters from a more dignified America (Part 2)
This post is the second in a two-part series. For Part 1, click here. The second of Alistair Cooke's Letters from America I want to highlight honours General George Marshall. It…
Letters from a more dignified America
Letters from a more dignified America
This post is the first in a two-part series. For Part 2, click here. As the world struggles to adjust to the Trump phenomenon, I’m reminded of a man who might have come closer…
Trump and America the ordinary
Trump and America the ordinary
Donald Trump has no time for talk of the 'indispensable power'. That might be safer than a US which talks big but doesn't back it up, writes Sam Roggeveen for the Australian…
Welcome to the post-American era
Welcome to the post-American era
The opening lines in US President Donald Trump's first speech to a Joint Session of Congress could have come from any recent president, with optimistic stock phrases about a 'new…